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01-20-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-20-98 CCM
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9. Councilor Dunn asked when staff goes to the County meeting in February to find out what the plans <br />are for Highway 5. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp β that these stated items be sent to the staff for review and comments, and that Walt <br />Pechan be sent a copy of the conditions, and that the staff report back with a detailed report on these items <br />before a CUP is prepared. Planner Terwedo indicated this could be done for the February 3`d meeting. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Amendment to Parking Standards <br />During the development stage of the medical office building on the United Properties site, it was noted that <br />the zoning code lacked specific regulations for planting requirements within the off-street parking areas. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the ordinance amendment at their January 12, 1998 meeting and <br />recommended that the Council set a public hearing. <br />M/S/P Conlin/DeLapp β to direct the staff to set a public hearing to amend Section 300.13, Subd. 6 Off - <br />Street Parking, B. Planting requirements within parking and vehicular use areas. Councilor DeLapp will <br />provide a drawing and definitions for double -loaded aisle and interior versus exterior landscaping.). <br />C. Veterinarian Hospital Expansion <br />Mike Nieuwsma, CEO and General Manager of the Veterinary Hospitals Association, has submitted an <br />application for expansion of the crematorium and pet supply business located at 8601 34'h Street. Presently, <br />the site is 2.04 acres in size and consists of a crematorium and a 40' x 90' storage building, which includes <br />an office use. No amendments to the CUP or building permits were issued for conversion of a portion of <br />the storage building into offices. The applicant is proposing to remove the existing structures on the site <br />and construct a 3,200 sq.ft. crematorium and a 7,627 sq.ft. distribution/office building as part of Phase I. A <br />5,000 sq.ft. addition is to be added at a later date. The applicant is asking for an interpretation of the nature <br />of what they have, how it relates to our current code, and how they can proceed from that point. <br />Mike Nieuwsma stated they have a use that has been in operation for a number of years under the function <br />of VHA or Dr. Swanson. They have had offices for a number of years and a distribution center where they <br />warehouse veterinarian product. They have been working under the assumption that the CUP granted to <br />Dr. Swanson allows them to do the veterinarian services, one of them being a storage facility and <br />crematorium. VHA is leasing from Dr. Swanson with an option to buy. <br />Attorney Filla reviewed the 1988 version of the CUP issued to Dr. Ray Swanson for a Vet Clinic, Animal <br />Hospital, Crematory, and Dog Pound, subject to the condition that the owner may sell pet supplies, drugs, <br />and kennel supplies as an accessory to this use. After 1988 or 1990, the list of allowed uses were changed <br />without the City's consent. Converting a use from one that is allowed to one that is not allowed creates a <br />legal non -conforming use. Filla warned the Council to proceed cautiously because what is done now may <br />have the affect of transferring what may be an illegal use to a non -conforming use. By granting variances <br />in Ag zone, you are actually rezoning the property for a commercial use. If this is what the City wants to <br />do along the corridor, then it should take a look at rezoning the area. The staff needs to research the <br />background information and the CUP to determine if the uses are legal or illegal. <br />Councilor Conlin asked the staff to look at the existing bio-hazardous waste storage building located in the <br />back of the main building. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp βto postpone in order to research background, review uses on site, and work with <br />Veterinary Hospital Association in deciding whether existing uses are allowed. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Manning Corridor EAW <br />Administrator Kueffner asked that the Council submit their comments on the Manning Corridor EAW by <br />Monday, January 26, in order to formulate a letter. The City Engineer will review the EAW. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1998 <br />
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