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Administrator Kueffaer was asked to get a legal opinion on imposing the new lighting ordinance <br />retroactively. <br />4F. Municipal Meeting on Annexation on February 18d' , 10 a.m. <br />The Municipal Board will meet regarding the Annexation with Oak Park Heights at 10:00 a.m., <br />Wednesday, February 18, 1998, in the Municipal Board Office. The purpose of this meeting is for Board <br />discussion only. No new evidence will be taken. The decision will be based on the hearing record already <br />compiled in this matter. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to direct the City Attorney and Administrator to attend the February 18" Municipal <br />Board meeting in the Municipal Board Office. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Council Member DeLapp attended the Minnesota Land Trust, East Side Chapter, Annual Meeting where <br />Jim Hagstrom, Savanna Design, put on a wonderful, one -hour presentation of neatness and controlled <br />landscaping. He suggested that Mr. Hagstrom put on this slide presentation to the City. Mayor John <br />thought this would be an interesting show for the Lake Elmo Diary. <br />Council Member Hunt reported there would be a MAC meeting in mid February. By the second meeting in <br />February, he will have a short update on MAC activities. The Maintenance Dept, Fire Dept, and Facilities <br />Task Group will be invited to discuss the affect of losing the Fire Station/Maintenance Facility. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Employee Assistance Program Agreement with Sandcreek <br />When the City was required by Federal Law to have a drug -testing program in place, the City found that <br />the Sand Creek Group offered this service as well as an Employee Assistance Program. The City has <br />budgeted for this as an annual expense. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to approve the 1998 Employee Assistance Program Agreement between the Sand <br />Creek Group, Ltd. And the City of Lake Elmo at a cost of $750,00, and to direct the Mayor to sign said <br />agreement. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Discussion on Budget and Payroll <br />When the Council adopted the 1998 Budget, it set this meeting as a time to review the budget and concerns <br />raised by the Council. Council members were supposed to have written comments to staff no later than <br />January 9, 1998, so that they had adequate time to prepare answers. Administrator Kueffaer suggested that <br />the Council reschedules this item until February 17, 1998, and that the Council submits their comments no <br />later than February 3`d. At that time, the Council can also discuss the employee evaluations, which will be <br />sent out under separate cover prior to the meeting. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin — to direct the staff to place this item on the March 3,1998 regular Council agenda and <br />that council members be directed to have written comments to staff no later than February 17"i or note that <br />they have no comments on the Budget. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. 1998 Law Enforcement Contract <br />The City received a letter from Sheriff Frank regarding the 1998 Law Enforcement Contract with <br />Washington County Sheriff s Department. It is estimated that the cost for law enforcement will be <br />$215,545.04, which equates to approximately $34.78 per capita. Sheriff Frank has made an offer in his <br />letter to meet with the Council to discuss areas of concerns you may have as well as his department's <br />observations about the past year. The following were some questions the Council raised: Councilor <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1998 <br />