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9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Linder's Greenhouse CUP <br />Attorney Filla submitted a DRAFT resolution granting Linder's Greenhouse a CUP. Dates have not been <br />received for an erosion control plan to be provided and a traffic study needs to be done. The City planner <br />suggested the date of May 1, 1998 be inserted in the CUP. Attorney Filla will come back with a new CUP, <br />B. Resolution Establishing Fees <br />Administrator Kueffher provided a Resolution setting Fees for 1998. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to adopt Resolution No. 98-4, Establishing Fees. (Motion carried 4-0:Councilor <br />DeLapp was out of the room during the vote on this motion). <br />C. Formal Cost Estimate for Electricity for Signal Light at TH5 and CSAH 15 <br />This item was tabled at the January 6, 1998 Council meeting because there appeared to be a discrepancy in <br />the yearly cost for electricity for this proposed signal light. The City received a written estimate from Don <br />Wisniewski, Washington County Public Works. Administrator Kueffner spoke with Joe Lux, from <br />WCPW, who stated there is a possibility that all of the lights (not just the red) will have Light Emitting <br />Diode (LED) heads. This may bring the costs down even further. The light that is proposed for this <br />intersection is similar to the one at Hilton and Highway 36. That light's yearly cost is approximately $1800 <br />per year, but has no LED heads. The streetlights will be attached to the signal light and will conform to our <br />lighting standards. (shoebox design, brown in color). The total estimated cost for the signal lights, and the <br />attached luminaries, will be approximately $700 per year. <br />Council member Dunn asked that the propertyowner on the corner of the intersection be notified of the <br />proposed signal. The City needs to know what the County plans for Hwy 5. Councilor DeLapp asked if <br />there is a better way of guiding traffic than signals. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to postpone agreement and invite MnDOT and the County to come before the Council <br />to discuss plans for the intersection at TH5 and CSAH15. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Update from MPCA on Landfill Cleanup <br />At the last Council meeting, there was some question about the aeration that continues at the landfill site. It <br />was the understanding of the City that once the gas extraction process was in place, the aeration would <br />decrease. Nile Fellows, the MPCA project coordinator, stated that they must continue to aerate in an effort <br />to dry out the garbage so that the chemical process that allows for the decomposition of the garbage, of <br />which methane is a byproduct, is not stifled. The MPCA feels that there is water beneath the cap that <br />should be removed. It was never their intention to eliminate all aeration. Water is being drawn from only <br />one of the wells. Mr. Fellows agreed to provide the City with a copy of the annual report of this cleanup <br />effort as soon as it is available and will attend a meeting to discuss this report. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to invite Nile Fellows, MPCA, to clarify the landfill project aeration and review <br />documentation for clean up and restoration and the MPCA timeframe. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />E. Update on River Valley Church's Tree Removal and Lighting <br />Administrator Kueffner talked to Pastor Dan Dennison of River Valley Christian Church about the trees <br />that were removed around the church identification sign. Pastor Dennison said that the trees were removed <br />because the church had received complaints that the sign was not visible, especially during the daytime <br />hours. He also said there were no conditions in the approval he was given for the sign, or the church that <br />would prohibit this. The church went along with the desires of the City as it relates to the size of the sign, <br />in spite of the fact, the City did not have regulations in place at the time that governed the size of signs in <br />the PF zoning district. The City did approve an illuminated sign. Pastor Dennison felt that while the light <br />and sign may be offensive to some, it is a benefit to those that are trying to find his church. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1998 5 <br />