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03-17-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-17-98 CCM
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Both the City Planner and the applicant, Lake Elmo Oil, have appealed the decision of the Planning <br />Commission in it's review of the variances they requested for replacement of the signs now located on their <br />property. The Council accepted the appeals and scheduled a hearing, <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to set a hearing for April 7, 1998 to hear the appeals by Lake Elmo Oil and the City <br />Planner. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Bob Novak stated the signage has to be in place by April 1, 1998 and the April 7" date would be too late. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to change the date from April 70'to March 31 ", 5:30 p.m. to consider both appeals <br />concurrently. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />Attorney Filla reported Oak Park Heights has requested the Municipal Board amend the legal description <br />that was submitted by Attorney Magnuson so that it includes the Kern Center, Kem Center II, Stillwater <br />Motors, and in addition, to the Buberl Ag zoned property. Mr. Magnuson has written a letter to the Board <br />opposing the change to the legal description. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to direct the staff to write a letter to the Municipal Board opposing any changes to <br />the legal description that was submitted by Attorney Magnuson and presented at the February 18th <br />Municipal Board meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Agreement for Signal Light at TH5 and County Road 15. (March 17) <br />The Council approved the installation of a signal and associated road improvements at TH5 and CSAH 15. <br />The City Administrator asked they wait and review the maintenance agreement before approving it. <br />B. Adding 50' Street N. to State Aid System (pending) <br />C. Nile Fellows, MPCA Landfill update (scheduled for April 7,1998) <br />D. Countryside Wood Products Resolution and Site Development Agreement (pending) <br />E. Amortization of Non -conforming Uses (scheduled for March 17) <br />Attorney Filla's letter, dated February 16, 1998, was in response to a question raised at an earlier Council <br />meeting about whether we could adopt new standards and apply them retroactively to existing uses. In <br />particular, signs were the issues, but this memo applies to all legal non -conforming uses in the City. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to co-ordinate this effort with the sign ordinance and direct the staff to pass along <br />information to the Planning and Village Commissions that amortization of non -conforming signs should be <br />investigated, and ask for a recommendation on how the City should accomplish the amortization of these <br />non -conforming signs within the City. (Motion passed 4-1:Dunn:She is uncomfortable with the motion and <br />doesn't want the City to be on a witch-hunt. ) <br />F. Parcel zoned PF along 100' Street west of CR 19 (March 17,1998) <br />This issue has surfaced several times, but the staff has not received any concise direction from the City <br />Council. Council member DeLapp has indicated this property should not be zoned PF and has the <br />appearance of spot zoning in the middle of Open Space designated land. The Apostolic Bible Church did <br />go through the rezoning process approximately 10 years ago to rezone the property for a future church. <br />The City Planner received a letter from Apostolic Bible Church, dated November 21, 1997, indicating it <br />plans to proceed with construction of the church this year. Attorney Filla added if the Council is going to <br />ask the Planning Commission to reevaluate this area, they should take a look at the comp plan and the <br />zoning. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to refer to the Planning Commission the issue of current zoning of 15 acres, North <br />of 10 h Street, in relation to the Future Land Use in the Comprehensive Plan as to whether the Public <br />Facilities zoning is appropriate or should the parcel be zoned to Open Space. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1998 4 <br />
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