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03-17-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-17-98 CCM
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G. Budget and Payroll (scheduled March 17) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to table the Budget and Payroll until the April 7 b Council meeting. (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />H. Public Facilities Ordinance (March 17, 1998) <br />As directed by the Council, Administrator Kueffner reviewed the P and PF zoning regulations. Because P <br />and PF uses are generally one -of -a kind use, she changed the draft ordinance to require that all uses be <br />permitted by Conditional Use Permit. She also combined the two categories into one because there was not <br />that much of a difference between the two categories. Non-profit, civil, and social halls were removed <br />from this zoning category. The Minimum District Requirements were combined to include categories with <br />and without a structure. This was done so that existing and future parks, or open space dedicated to the City <br />through the platting process would not have to go through this process. <br />The City Council was asked to submit their comments on the Public Facilities regulations to the staff. <br />(Council asked the staff to look into adding Subd. 4. PCS antennas, with the requirements of 195' height. <br />Administrator Kueffner added the word "agencies" to read in Subd. 2: Facilities for Local, County, State <br />Agencies and Public Schools. Delete "or equivalent" in vii, 2"d sentence, on Page 2). <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to direct the staff to prepare an interim ordinance (moratorium) for P and PF Zoning <br />with the public hearing to be held at the April 7 h Council meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to direct the Planning Commission to call a public hearing for the amendments to P <br />and PF Zoning at the earliest appropriate date. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />I. Workshop with Tautges and Redpath on Fiscal Disparities and Taxes (changes in tax laws) <br />(pending) <br />11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John attended the South Washington County Interceptor Advisory Committee meeting, who <br />reviewed the various routes of the interceptor running from the border of Lake Elmo and Woodbury. The <br />Committee tried to arrive at a consensus on the preferred route. There was a strong representation from the <br />City of Afton. The next meeting will be on April 20". <br />--Received a mailing and a video from Land Stewardship Project covering the Green Corridor Project for <br />Chisago and Washington County. <br />—Attended the meeting of the MAC and the Facilities Study Group who visited the current maintenance <br />facility. <br />--The next Lake Elmo Diary, which begins airing in April, will include the discussion of the Fire <br />Dept./Existing Maintenance Building consolidation; Tree planting along Highway 5 near Beaut Crest <br />development and an interview with Eagle Scout, Keith Tumulty. <br />Council member Dunn reported the next airport meeting will be on April 8 °. <br />Council member DeLapp reported Jim Hagstrom, Savanna Designs, responded to the City's invitation <br />stating he is busy this Spring and Summer, but would consider a presentation on Land Space Design for <br />Country Properties in the Fall or Winter. <br />--Received a call from Bob Slater, MnDOT, stating his management is concerned about receiving things <br />piecemeal. He asked if we could look at the City holistically so they can put together a systematic <br />approach as to how to deal with landscaping on the State roads. Steve suggested the City get the <br />Environmental Commission started or the Park Commission to work with this holistic approach for <br />landscaping of our State roads. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1998 <br />
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