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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING <br />TUESDAY, MARCH 31,1998 <br />Mayor John called the special meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council chambers. PRESENT: <br />Hunt, Dunn, DeLapp, John, Johnston (arrived at 5:45), Administrator Kueffner <br />1. Appeal by Robert and Carol (Jeanne Novak, Lake Elmo Oil, 11127 Stillwater Blvd N., to size of Free <br />Standing Sign <br />Bob Novak explained Lake Elmo Oil has been a family owned business for over 75 years and needs to <br />remain competitive. Signage proposed is 20% less than what is existing. Th ball rotates so it can be seen <br />from all sides. <br />The Council received letters from surrounding property owners indicating no objection to Lake Elmo Oil <br />replacing their current "76" signage at the corner of State Highway 5 and County Road 17 with a 7 x 10' <br />rectangular CITGO identification and price sign and replacing their "76" identification on their canopy <br />with the new CITGO identification. <br />Pete Schiltgen stated Lake Elmo Oil has been there a long time. The corner is cluttered with signage <br />already. If Lake Elmo Oil makes its sign smaller, it would get lost. If the sign helps the family oriented <br />business to succeed, it should be approved. <br />John Schiltz, Lake Elmo Inn, stated Lake Elmo Oil is part of the character of Lake Elmo. The business has <br />been here a long time. <br />Wyn John stated the code doesn't differentiate businesses, historically, from new businesses. <br />Jim McClod stated gas stations are a competitive business. The City should not put an existing business <br />into the position of not being competitive with existing signs of competitors. A new business as Cennex <br />has a choice. They know what the sign ordinance states, and they have to make the decision "Do they want <br />to invest money and have a small signs?" This is a form of taking if the City does not permit Lake Elmo <br />Oil having larger signs. <br />Dennis LaCroix, Twin Point Tavern, has 10-12 retired people in to drink coffee and they talk about <br />gasoline prices. You cannot deny businesses the competitive edge. <br />Jeanne Nelson, on behalf of the Village Commission, supported the Planning Commission on denial of the <br />variance request to 70' and the signs on the canopy. They do support the variance to the height. She has <br />written to CITGO requesting information on minimum size requirements, but has not heard from them. <br />Council member Dunn stated the sign ordinance is very restrictive and not appropriate for a state highway. <br />At the last Council meeting, she asked that the sign ordinance be revisited because of the numbers. The <br />Heritage Preservation Commission was going to look at an Overlay District for the business in the Old <br />Village because of the number of variances that have been requested. <br />Council member Hunt stated the existing signage is not as safe as signage proposed. You have to look up <br />and then look down. Because of lot size, lot layout and nature of businesses, signage is needed on canopy. <br />Administrator Kueffner indicated the original direction was to prepare an overlay for the Old Village. <br />Signage, walkway, building design will be looked at by the Old Village Commission. <br />Mayor John stated the projected area of 38.5 sq.ft. is the correct area of signage. You only see the top <br />portion of the ball from the west. Visual aspect of ball sign is as important to you as you see. All <br />businesses, old and new, have to comply with the sign ordinance. The code does not state that businesses <br />