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Dwayne Lau, neighbor adjacent to the accessory structure, stated he would be 100' from the proposed <br />structure and requested that the structure be moved down the hill so he wouldn't see it. <br />Jeff Taylor stated he applied and was granted a building permit for a 1,300 sq.ft. garage, located behind his <br />house. He wants to work with his neighbors, but moving the garage in front of his house to the lower part <br />of the property would increase his building costs $500. He would have to move 20 trees and has a concern <br />on drainage. Mr. Taylor requested his permit as soon as possible because he has missed sales and costs <br />have gone up. <br />Attorney Filla pointed out areas of conflict in the Accessory Building section of the code that needs to be <br />corrected. In section 500, it states that pole buildings are not allowed in residential zones. A definition is <br />needed for a pole building. According to the Building Inspector, a post and frame building meets the <br />building codes and is allowed in the City. This problem is an example of why the City should not approve <br />stack lots. <br />There is a provision in the City code that would permit Jeff Taylor to place the structure in front of their <br />home. There is a low spot in front where the building would not be obtrusive, not only to the Niemic's, but <br />to other property owners in the area. Administrator Kueffiier provided a Resolution approving the <br />placement of an accessory structure in front of the primary structure. The Council encouraged the <br />neighbors to work it out and obtain written permission from adjacent property owners. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to approve Resolution No. 98-27, A Resolution Approving the Placement of An <br />Accessory Structure in Front of the Primary Structure at 8241 Lake Jane Trail conditioned upon submission <br />of approval from the adjacent property owners. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to direct the staff to clarify the use of the proposed building, what appropriate <br />ordinances would apply to the proposed building as far as size and height, and if this building can be <br />constructed behind the house or in front. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />8. PLANNING. LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Amendments to OP Ordinance <br />Planner Terwedo reported for the past year, the Planning Commission and City Council have been working <br />on amendments to the OP Ordinance. A public hearing was held on the OP amendments on October 15, <br />1998. Changes to the amendments have been made based on input from the Planning Commission, City <br />Council, and developers. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to adopt Ordinance 9730, as amended, An Ordinance Amending Sections 150 and <br />300.07 SUBD. 4 O. of the 1997 Lake Elmo Municipal Code. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. PF Ordinance (recommendation from PZ) <br />The Planning Commission had reviewed the Public Facility Zoning Regulations. Changes have been made <br />to the draft document that was submitted for Council review. The Planning Commission discussed areas in <br />the City where Public/Quasi Public Facilities are located. The Commission was asked to review the <br />existing (P) Public designated areas and where these types of facilities should be located in the future. The <br />Planning Commission needs to discuss the policies in the Comprehensive Plan. The City Planner <br />recommended that no action be taken on the ordinance at this time. The issue of the (P) Public designated <br />land use area in the City needs to be issued further and new policies adopted. This is another element of <br />the Comprehensive Plan update. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 21, 1998 3 <br />