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C. Correspondence on Delay of Resurfacing CSAH17 <br />The Council received a copy of a letter sent to Steve Pott from Brian Gage, Washington County Design <br />Engineer, informing him that the proposed project to resurface Lake Elmo Avenue this summer has been <br />postponed. They considered the concerns from the Lake Elmo officials and adjacent residents and <br />determined the inclusion of public involvement in this project was needed. The public involvement process <br />will begin in late 1998. The project will be rescheduled based on the outcome of this process, but not <br />sooner than the summer of 1999. <br />Letters were received from Steve Pott, 4212 Lake Elmo Avenue N. and Allan Kristenson, 5230 Kirkwood <br />Avenue N., indicating their concerns on the delay of the resurfacing project on CSAH17. <br />Administrator Kueffner asked if the City would like to solicit public opinion, Brian Gage would provide a <br />roster of people on Lake Elmo Avenue that were notified of the delay in the project. <br />M/S/P Johnston/John — to direct the staff to contact Brian Gage, Washington County Design Engineer, or <br />the appropriate person at the Washington County Public Works, to determine what kind of input schedule <br />we would need to proceed to work on the proposed resurfacing CSAH 17 project in 1998 and then schedule <br />a public meeting with residents in order to keep on this schedule. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Mayor John asked that copies of the letter be sent to residents along CSAH17 so they are aware of all the <br />concerns. <br />Councilor DeLapp pointed out the Council, Planning, and Parks Commission voted to have CSAH17 have <br />a separate trail. Administrator Kueffner added this recommendation had not gone through a comprehensive <br />plan amendment. The direction of the Council was to proceed with a comprehensive plan amendment and <br />this has not been done. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Resignation of Steve Diedrichs from Parks Commission <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to accept the resignation of Steve Diedrichs from the Parks Commission, Further <br />that the staff sends Steve a letter of appreciation for his contribution to the City, and to advertise the <br />vacancy in the City Newsletter. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Contract with Ann Terwedo for Planning Consulting Services for Village Commission <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to approve the Planning Consulting Agreement between the City and Ann <br />Terwedo as prepared by the City Attorney. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Agreement permitting driveway on unimproved right-of-way on Lott, Block 4, Tamarack Farm <br />Applicant: John Carr (DELETED FROM AGENDA) <br />D. Grading Permit for Boris Heckert <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to grant a Grading Permit to Boris Beckett as presented. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Approval of Signal Plans and Cost Participation for Highway 5 and Manning Avenue <br />City Engineer Tom Prow reviewed the plans and recommended approval. Councilor DeLapp provided an <br />alternative design road map uniting the western half of the City and the eastern half and will present it to <br />the Consolidation Study Committee. <br />The Council reviewed the MN Transportation Dept. Traffic Control Signal Agreement between the State of <br />Minnesota, Dept, of Transportation, Washington County and the City of Lake Elmo. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 19, 1998 <br />