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8. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Request Participation on Committee to Evaluate the Governance of Water Management in <br />Washington County <br />The City received a letter from Jane Harper, Washington County, Principal Planner, describing a study the <br />County is about to undertake to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its water resources <br />management. The letter states that five representatives from local units of government will be appointed to <br />this committee. Administrator Kueffner asked if any Council member would be interested in an <br />appointment to this committee. Appointments will be made the early part of June. Administrator Kueffner <br />will contact Jane Harper to find out the number of meetings, time, and dates. Mayor John and Councilor <br />Dunn indicated an interest in serving on this committee. <br />B. Requested Input from Cities on the SWWD's Role in Permitting <br />The City received a letter from Brett Emmons from the South Washington Watershed District requesting <br />input from the City on how and to what level the Watershed should be involved in long-term planning. <br />Tom Prow represents the City on the Technical Advisory Committee and in his opinion the watershed <br />should take a very active role in reviewing development within the watershed. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to direct the staff to write a letter to the SW WD reflecting the Council and <br />Engineer's comments that the City feels the Watershed should be very much involved in long term <br />planning and should take a very active role in reviewing development within the watershed. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />Status of Surface Water Management Plan <br />Tom Prew reported the Surface Water Management Plan is on -hold because SWWD has not made up their <br />rules and the outcome of the annexation of Baytown. The Surface Water Management Plan will be <br />included in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: NONE <br />10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Nile Fellows, MPCA —Reclamation Plan for SW 1 <br />B. Country Side Wood Products Resolution and Site Development Agreement <br />(Submitted to City Engineer and Attorney for approval) <br />C. Amortization of Non -conforming uses (Passed to Planning and Village Commissions) <br />D. Program for enforcement of temporary signs <br />It was the desire of the Council to uniformly apply the sign ordinance for all temporary signs throughout <br />the City and asked the Code Enforcement officer to cite the individuals. <br />E. Sprinkler Ordinance will be on the June Council agenda <br />F. Relief Association — Summary of resolution <br />G. Parcel zoned PF on CR10 — Forwarded to Planning Commission <br />H. Environmental Commission — Administrator working on DRAFT. <br />11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Mayor John attended the May 6 Elected Officials Meeting of School District 622, held in the new <br />Woodbury Golf Course Club House and reported on items discussed. Copies of the May 19, 1998 Mayor's <br />Report were provided. <br />Councilor DeLapp asked the Building Official about the general building scene for 1998 compared to other <br />years. Jim McNamara responded 1998 is a continuation of 1997. In 1997, the money taken in was approx. <br />$200,000 in house construction. House construction is up from 1997, plus we have the medical office <br />building. From January through April, the City has taken in approx. $120,000, and the City will be over <br />the $200,000 mark this year. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 19, 1998 5 <br />