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06-30-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-30-98 CCM
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MINUTES APPROVED: July 21, 1998 <br />SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL, MAINTENANCE AND PARKS DEPT., <br />FIRE DEPT., <br />MAC AND FACILITIES STUDY COMMITTEE <br />JUNE 30, 1998 <br />Mayor John called the special meeting to order at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers to discuss the updated <br />estimated costs for an expanded maintenance facility to include the parks department and the need for <br />remodeled fire stations and expanded City Hall. PRESENT: CITY COUNCIL:Hunt, Dunn, John, <br />DeLapp, Johnston. MAC MEMBERS: Dege, Talcott, Gustafson. STUDY FACILITIES MEMBER: <br />Friend. Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger, Parks Supervisor Mike Bouthilet, Fire Chief Dick Sachs, <br />PARKS MEMBER: Schumacher, City Administrator Kueffner. <br />�Ce>��IJ1 <br />Mayor John reported he has received calls from residents asking for City support on removal of brush from <br />fallen trees due to the recent storm. He asked if the Council wanted to add this discussion as an agenda <br />item. Councilor Dunn and DeLapp questioned the legality of adding agenda items at a special meeting, <br />because they have been advised the Council can only discuss items listed on the published agenda. <br />M/S/P John/Hunt — to add discussion on City support for removal of brush from fallen trees in recent storm <br />(Motion passed 4-0 Councilor Johnston was not in attendance at the time of the vote). <br />Dan Olinger reported he has looked into renting a chipper and has talked to other communities on the kind <br />of chipper they are using. The cost of a new chipper is $21,595 and has a life expectancy of 15 years. The <br />chipper can be used by the maintenance dept. for the upkeep of boulevard trees since the City requires <br />planting of boulevard trees in new developments. Mike Bouthilet could use the chipper in the City parks. <br />George Dege, MAC member, offered to purchase a chipper and rent it to the City. MAC members <br />supported the City's need for a chipper. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported she received notice that Washington County had been designated a <br />disaster area, and she could look into what aid the City could receive. <br />Bud Talcott suggested drafting a policy that would include a fee charged to the property owner for the crew <br />to come out and chip brush. Administrator Kueffner agreed a disaster policy should be in place. Fire Chief <br />Dick Sachs added that the Fire Dept. received requests for pumps and generators and asked if this would be <br />covered in the policy. Mayor John felt they would loose the window of opportunity to order a chipper if <br />they take time to establish a policy, particularly based upon Dan's report that there were only two machines <br />on the market today. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Hunt - to direct the Administrator to review information from Washington County on what <br />help is available through Washington County being declared a disaster area. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/John — to authorize the Maintenance Foreman to send a letter of intent to purchase a Brush <br />Bandit chipper from ASPEN Equipment Co. at a cost of $21,595 with this item to be placed on the July 7, <br />1998 claims recognizing the MAC has stated the chipper is a good item to have in the CIP, but there is no <br />money designated in the budget for purchase of a chipper. (Motion passed 3-2:Dunn, DeLapp:This is more <br />of a reactionary decision. The Council should wait until a policy is drafted. Questions need to be <br />answered --where would the money come from to pay for the chipper, who would run it, where would it be <br />stored, and what is the insurance liability.) <br />
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