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2. DISCUSSION ON UPDATED COSTS FOR AN EXPANDED MAINTENANCE FACILITY TO <br />INCLUDE THE PARKS DEPARTMENT, THE NEED FOR REMODELED FIRE STATIONS AND <br />EXPANDED CITY HALL <br />Dean Johnson, TKDA, had provided five proposed project descriptions and the estimated cost. No <br />drawings were prepared with the exception of a concept sketch for the work proposed to adapt the existing <br />Maintenance Building for Fire Station #2 use. <br />A summary of the projects and costs were as follows: <br />1. New Maintenance Building $1,387,000 <br />2. New Fire Station Building #1 (on existing site) 570,000 <br />3. Renovated Fire Station Building 92 (existing maintenance building) 87,000 <br />4. New Fire Station (location unknown) 610,000 <br />5. City Hall Addition 71,000 <br />MAC members indicated their goal is to have a shell up by winter in order to house the equipment sitting <br />outside. The Maintenance Dept. will have to be moved in order to remodel the Fire Station. Site selection <br />and acquisition for Station #3 needs to be addressed. The Council agreed an addition to City Hall is <br />needed. After discussion on anew maintenance building, replacement of the maintenance building and <br />Fire Station 41 and City Hall, the Council had questions on timeframe, site selection, and costs. <br />The Council asked Councilor Hunt to investigate the following projects: 1. New maintenance building, 2. <br />Remodel current maintenance building for fire station, 3. Fire Station #1, 4. City Hall addition and to come <br />back with a complete program for the July 7 Council meeting. Administrator Kueffiier will provide <br />guidelines for the referendum process. <br />The Council adjourned the workshop at 9:25 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy City Clerk <br />