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08-18-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-18-98 CCM
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3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to approve the August 18, 1998 Claims, as presented. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. TMT Recycling <br />Mike Maroney reported that TMT is consolidating operations and will be discontinuing recycling in Lake <br />Ehno the end of September because of difficulty marketing materials. TMT does not have an existing <br />contract with the City. Maroney suggested the City combine recycling pickup with the trash haulers. <br />Administrator Kueffner asked for an extension of more than 45 days since she was not aware TMT was <br />planning on terminating recycling pickup. This will give the Administrator time to review a recycling <br />ordinance that the Solid Waste Committee had drafted. This issue may be forwarded to the Solid Waste <br />Committee or to the proposed Environmental Commission. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to direct the staff to work with TMT Recycling to create an interim agreement for <br />recycling and put together a recommendation for the September 1, 1998 Council meeting. (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />B. Speed Limit on Highway 36 <br />Councilor Hunt pointed out the speed limit east of Hilton Trail and west of Manning has been increased to <br />65 mph without MnDOT asking for reaction from the adjacent communities. According to Dan Brandon, <br />MnDOT, Administrator Kuefther stated that the law changed which allowed speed limits to go back up to <br />65 mph. More signal lights will be installed. After monitoring, the speed limit may go down to 60 mph. <br />The City will receive MnDOT's CIP. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John — to direct the staff to contact the City of Grant to send a joint letter of protest of the <br />increased speed limit on Highway 36, to get general comments from the Sheriff's Department, specific <br />comments from Lake Elmo's Deputies, opinions from the Fire Department on the impact for the next <br />Council meeting, (Motion passed 5-0). <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Resolution designation polling places <br />B. Resolution appointing Election Judges for Primary and General Elections <br />In accordance with statutory requirements, the Council shall designate election, polling places and appoint <br />election judges for the Primary and General elections. Resolutions were provided for Council review and <br />adoption. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to adopt Resolution No. 98-46, A Resolution designating polling places for the <br />September 15,1998 Primary Election and the November 3, 1998 General Election. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to adopt Resolution No. 98-47, A Resolution appointing election judges for the <br />Primary and General election, and set the wages for their services at $6.50 per hour to the Head Judge and <br />$6.00 per hour to the other judges. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARKS/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Stonegate Trails <br />The issue of the trail in Stonegate Park has come up several times. Administrator Kueffner provided a <br />chronology of minutes form the Planning Commission, Parks Commission and City Council. <br />Kes Tautvydas, Chair of the Parks Commission, stated the Commission wanted the $17,000 and trails <br />graded because this is a link for the trail system. The developer was to put in the trail in the first place. It <br />would be a big undertaking for the City because the land closer to the lake is wooded and trees have to be <br />removed. The lake is very high and the land the City would receive would be under water. Surrounding <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1998 2 <br />
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