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4. PUBLIC INOUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Gloria Knoblauch, 9181 31"Street N. and a Parks Commission member, stated she does not want to see 5- <br />acre parks in the cluster housing developments. Ms. Knoblauch felt the City has enough parks. Lake Elmo <br />has more parks per capita than any suburb or township. Councilor DeLapp has provided the City Planner <br />with possible amendments that included addressing the concept of smaller parks in the OP development <br />and considers the possibility of homeowner parks rather than City parks in cases where it is not subject to <br />the comprehensive plan. <br />B. Recommendation from Consolidation Steering Committee <br />Administrator Kueffner reported the Baytown Township Board, by a 4-1 vote, voted down the proposal <br />recommended by the Consolidation Steering Committee to have the consolidation referendum vote on the <br />November 3rd ballot because there was too much of a crunch to get a plan prepared and a public relations <br />campaign to educate residents. Jim Gelbman will be at the September 8 Consolidation Steering Committee <br />meeting, The Committee will be asked to define a timeline and consider coinciding the referendum <br />question with the March 91h Town Board election or will consider a June vote. Margaret Carlson and Vince <br />Eilers were chosen as Lake Elmo citizen representatives. On August 26a', The Board of Innovation and <br />Cooperation approved Lake Elmo/Baytown Township $10,000 grant request to be used to defray some of <br />the expenses to be incurred in preparation for the consolidation vote. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARKS/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Resignation of Carol Monette from Planning Commission; Review applications for Planning <br />Commission <br />Carol Monette has resigned from the Pluming Commission, effective immediately, because of her family <br />and work obligations prevent her from putting as much time and effort in the Commission as she feels it <br />deserves. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to accept the resignation of Carol Monette from the Planing Commission, effective <br />immediately. Further, that the staff sends Carol Monette a letter of appreciation for her contribution to the <br />City. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />The First Alternate to the Commission is Mike Graczyk, who can be appointed to a full -voting member to <br />serve out Carol Monette's term, which expires December 31, 1999. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt— to move Mike Graczyk from First Alternate to Full -Voting Member of the Planning <br />Commission to serve out the term of Carol Monette, which expires December 31, 1999. (Motion passed 4- <br />0). <br />There are two vacancies on the Planning Commission. The City has one current application for the <br />Planning Commission on file. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to continue to advertise the two vacant positions on the Planning Commission until <br />September 25, 1998 and invite all applicants to the first meeting in October. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Councilor DeLapp has extended an invitation to Todd Ptacek to the September 16"' Council meeting to <br />interview for one of the vacancies on the Planning Commission. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to invite Todd Ptacek to the September 16, 1998 meeting to interview for one of the <br />vacancies on the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 2 <br />