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09-01-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-01-98 CCM
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B. Resignation of Heidi Nietzel, Kent Dubbe from Parks Commission <br />The City has received the resignation from Heidi Nietzel from the Parks Commission. Kent Dubbe has <br />moved out of the City, but we did not receive any formal notice from him. There are no current <br />applications for the Parks Commission, so the three vacancies that exist will be advertised in the City <br />Newsletter and on Cable. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Hunt — to accept the resignation of Heidi Nietzel from the Parks Commission, and direct staff <br />to send a letter of appreciation. Further that the Council recognizes that Kent Dubbe has moved out of the <br />City and can no longer serve on the Parks Commission. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Hunt — to direct the staff to advertise the Parks Commission (3) vacancies in the City <br />Newsletter and on Cable television. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Request from Parks Commission for paving basketball pad in Reid Park <br />Tower Asphalt is currently under contract with the City for street overlays and has agreed to add to its <br />current contract a 30' x 20' asphalt pad for a basketball court at the south end of the parking lot in Reid <br />Park. <br />The following costs: Asphalt $ 467.00 <br />Limerock Base 200.00 <br />Backboard & Goal 545.00 <br />TOTAL $1,212.00 <br />Parks Supervisor, Mike Bouthilet, will complete the rockbase and install the backboard and goal. At its <br />July 20'h meeting, the Parks Commission recommended approval by the Council for the addition of the pad. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to approve an amendment to the contract with Tower Asphalt to include the addition <br />of a 30' x 20' asphalt pad for a basketball court at the south end of the parking lot in Reid Park at a cost not <br />to exceed $1,212.00, based on a favorable recommendation from the Parks Commission, and the pad is a <br />budgeted item. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Access Agreement with John Carr, Tamarack Farm: Verbal from Jim McNamara <br />Jim McNamara reported that John Carr has decided not to use the City easement for a driveway. Mr. Carr <br />has placed his driveway according to City ordinances 5' parallel to the easement, but on his property. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: None <br />8. PLANNING. LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Countryside Pool & Spa Inc.'s Appeal of decision of Code Enforcement Officer <br />Lonny Thomas, attorney representing Countryside Pool & Spa, asked for clarification of the appeal. <br />According to City ordinance, his client would receive notice of the hearing within 10-14 days of the <br />Council meeting. Countryside Pool & Spa received notice by written letter on Monday, August 31, 1998. <br />Therefore, Attorney Thomas stated the notice is defective and requested a clarification from Mr. <br />McNamara of what ordinance his client is in violation. <br />Attorney Fills reported there was a procedural defect and appropriate notice will be sent out according to <br />statutes. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to table the appeal by Countryside Pool & Spa Inc. until such time Attorney Filla has <br />indicated to staff the correct appeal notice procedure and send clarification of violation. (Motion passed 4- <br />0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 <br />
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