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09-08-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-08-98 CCM
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MINUTES APPROVED: October 6, 1998 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 <br />Mayor John called the budget workshop to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Council chambers. PRESENT: Hunt, <br />Dunn, John, Johnston (arrived at 5:45 p.m.), DeLapp (arrived at 5:45 p.m.), City Planner Dillerud and <br />Finance Director Banister. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to approve the August 31, 1998 Budget Workshop minutes, as presented. (Motion <br />passed 3-0 Council members DeLapp and Johnston were not in attendance for the vote.) <br />Finance Director Banister informed the Council that she had made the recommended changes from the <br />August 31 budget workshop and provided a balanced budget for Council review. <br />In answer to the question on the $213,000 from the sale of the landfill, Banister reported the money was <br />received in 1996 and used to purchase the Berschen property at a cost of $8,500 an acre (16.555) _ <br />$140,717.50 <br />TKDA expense (design for new building) 20,503.70 <br />Money to present Public Works building 19,482.20 <br />TOTAL $180,703.40 <br />The $32,296.60 remaining is in the Fund Balance of the Public Works building fund. (See page 11) <br />Fire Department: <br />Crown Victoria Car: Fire Chief Dick Sachs, asked that the name of "Used Command Car" be changed <br />because it is used for other uses than just for calls. The Council suggested "Car #3190" <br />Telesuuirt: The Chief asked that "renovation" be changed to "rehab". It is a 19-year-old vehicle and would <br />sell for over $129,000. Right now replacement value is over $300,000: The Department is looking at <br />getting another 10 years out of the vehicle and asked that $100,000 be inserted to cover the rehab in the <br />CIP, but Sachs estimates the cost to be between $50,000 and $85,000. The vehicle will be out of action for <br />one month. <br />Firefighters: The reasons for adding permanent firefighters because there is more than enough work for a <br />full-time person. We are not doing any preplanning or fire code inspections of City facilities. Sachs made <br />the Council aware of the light daytime response and thought it nice of Joe Rogers, Lake Elmo Hardwood <br />Lumber, to permit up to five employees to leave for a call. Residents building $200,000 - $600,000 homes <br />are not interested in holding a fire hose, spending time away from the family on weekends and holidays and <br />attending three drills a month. Five out of the 25 firefighters are living in Cimarron. In some Cities, the <br />maintenance employees are on the Fire Dept. and can respond to calls during the day. Public Works <br />Supervisor, Dan Olinger, responded that the two men he has could not make all the required training. One <br />man has his own business which requires working nights and weekends. Councilor Dunn was not ready to <br />put $50,000 for permanent firefighters in the Budget. Councilor Hunt did not think it was a good idea <br />adding the money. He suggested having a workshop to look over total staffing needs when Baytown <br />Township comes in. <br />Maintenance Department: <br />Maintenance Supervisor, Dan Olinger, responded to questions previously raised by the Council. <br />Street Sweeping: Purchased street sweeper in 1991 for $10,000 as a pilot program to try to see if sweeping <br />can be done cheaper and as needed year around. The program has gone very well. It costs approximately <br />$1,700 to $2,200 a year for the City to do their own sweeping compared to contracting it out at $8,750 for <br />one sweeping in the Spring. The 1980 gas unit is worn out. Maintenance and MAC are trying to locate a <br />refurbished street sweeper at a cost of $55,000 versus purchasing new at $109,000. If the Maintenance <br />crew sweeps a specific area because of a new house, the City keeps the road deposit. <br />
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