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Woodchipping: The woodchipping program is running great. Dan will look into having woodchips <br />available at the Sunfish Lake Park parking lot. <br />Grading/Striving: No stripping has been done yet this year. Waiting until the sealcoating project and 309' <br />Street is completed. Washington County is very slow on sending grading bills. The County grades every <br />other Monday except for holidays. The City had a grader up until 1984 when it purchased a front-end <br />loader. The City added 2 more roads this year to be graded. A suggestion was made for the City to look <br />into policy of having road under City control, making assessments affordable and fair. <br />The City needs grading agreement with Oak Park Heights on 700' gravel strip up through the cul-de-sac of <br />East half of 55d' Street that has been annexed into Lake Elmo. Councilor DeLapp understood that this road <br />was given in its entirety to OPH. The Council asked that the City Administrator and Dan Olinger <br />negotiate an agreement with OPH for grading and snowplowing this portion of the road. <br />Olinger pointed out since he started working with the City in 1985, the City has added 22 new <br />developments. In 1985, there were 3 employees and one contract plower. No employees have been added. <br />If the City wants to keep the level of service it has been providing, we need to increase our fleet. Now, <br />they are plowing the entire City with four units, two of them are plows with no sanders on them. <br />Therefore, half of the City goes 5 to 6 hours without being sanded after a snowstorm. There is a need for <br />farm equipment to plow narrow roads in the new developments because the dump truck cannot make the <br />loops in the Fields and Tamarack. He, wanted to make Council aware of the need of a person to snowplow <br />in winter. This person could be shared with the Parks Department because two more parks have been <br />added. It may be better to look into contracting services for this year. We need to budget for backup <br />person for crew to take vacations or if one gets hurt. This could be added to Personal Services. <br />Olinger asked if the City has to maintain the trails in the winter along. 30'h Street or in Stonegate. If this is <br />correct, the City needs a Policy before winter and the proper equipment to keep the trails clean. What <br />about the legal issue —when is a sidewalk a sidewalk and when is the trail a sidewalk? <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to direct the staff to place on the next agenda policy discussion for trails and <br />plowing for this coming winter. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Capital Outlay -Miscellaneous: The question was asked why is there a jump from $12,000 to $30,000? Dan <br />explained if we want to keep the 1986 truck, an improvement is needed. He estimates $15,000 for chipper <br />box, sanding and hauling gravel and $12,000 major repairs for front-end loader. The Council <br />recommended adding $15,000 for renovation of 1986 truck in the CIP and $15,000 in Miscellaneous. <br />Street Lights: <br />Councilor DeLapp brought up billing residents responsible for streetlights midblock in private <br />neighborhoods. He wasn't talking about the Old Village area. The residents in the Fields pay for their own <br />streetlights. If you took a City map with streetlights designated, the lights would not be located in priority <br />areas. The Finance Director stated the lights on 32"d Street have been in place since 1944. The City does <br />not have a billing system to bill residents for streetlights. We would have to pay the County so much <br />money for them to bill each resident. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt— to add Street Lights - pay and locations to OLD BUSINESS on the Council agenda. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No, 98-51, A Resolution approving the proposed 1998 Tax <br />Levy, Collectible in 1999, and setting date for public hearing for proposed budget. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />The Council adjourned the workshop at 6:50 p.m. <br />--------------------------- <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy Clerk <br />Resolution No. 98-51 Approving the proposed 1998 Tax Levy, Collective in 1999 and set date for budget <br />public hearing <br />