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Lake Elmo <br />City Council Meeting 14PPROVIR <br />Tuesday, October 20,1998 <br />Acting Mayor Hunt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 3800 <br />Laverne Avenue North, Lake Elmo, Minnesota. Present: Councilmembers Dunn and Johnston, City <br />Administrator Kueffner, City Planner Dillerud, City Attorney Filla, City Engineer Prow and City Building <br />Official/Code Enforcement Officer McNamara. Absent: Mayor John and Councilmember DeLapp. <br />Pledge of Allegiance <br />Acting Mayor Hunt read an e-mail letter of resignation from Mayor Wyn John and Myrtle John. <br />(attached). <br />1. Agenda <br />Mayor Hunt added 8.11 — data processing update. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston to approve the agenda, as amended. <br />(Motion Passed 3-0). <br />2. Minutes <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston — to approve the minutes from the October 6, 1998 City Council meeting, as <br />presented. <br />(Motion Passed 3-0). <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to approve the claims, as presented. <br />(Motion Passed 3-0). <br />Mayor Hunt introduced the Boy Scouts from Troop #224, who attended the City Council meeting in order <br />to earn their merit badges. <br />PUBLIC INQUHUES/INFORMATIONAL <br />4.A Presentation of plaques by Linda Wagner, Lake Elmo Jaycees to Lori and Dale Kimberly; <br />owners of Country Coffee and Washington County Deputies -Larry Osterman and Keith Anderson, for <br />their participation in the "Helmut Awareness" program. <br />Mayor Hunt congratulated the Lake Elmo Business Association for winning the annual softball game <br />during this years Huff `n Puff Days. <br />Administrator Kueffner introduced and welcomed Deputy Keith Anderson. She said Deputy Anderson <br />was Lake Elmo's new day officer and had replaced Deputy Osterman. Deputy Anderson said he was <br />happy to be serving the citizens of Lake Elmo and that Deputy Osterman would still have his "finger" on <br />Lake Elmo. He asked the residents to call upon him anytime. <br />4.B Appeal of Variance condition by Mike Downs, 10899 32"d Street. <br />City Planner Dillerud said the City Council had previously approved variances to permit remodeling and <br />construction of an attached garage at 10899 32"d Street at its September 3, 1998 meeting. He said a <br />condition of that variance approval was for the removal of the existing garage structure at the rear, street <br />side of the lot. He said, from building permit information, that Downs did not intend to build the attached <br />garage as previously assumed, but rather intended to retain the existing garage structure. He said in order <br />to assure compliance with the original variance condition regarding the removal of the existing garage, <br />City of Lake Elmo Council Meeting Tuesday, October 20, 1998 page 1 <br />