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Downs executed an Agreem(.., and Confession of Judgement securi nb removal of the garage by <br />November 30, 1998. He stated that the Downs are now requesting the City council reconsider the garage <br />removal condition. He said he had met with Mr. Downs on two occasions and advised him that in the R-1 <br />zoning district he has a right to a total of 1200 square feet of accessory structure, including area of any <br />attached garage. He said he had advised Mr. Downs that the carport does constitute structure area and <br />therefore would be included in the square footage calculation for accessory structure. City Planner <br />Dillerud said he was asking the Council to either affirm its earlier action regarding the garage removal or <br />direct modification of the garage removal condition based. <br />City Administrator Kueffner said the current garage had been illegally converted to living quarters again <br />and that she recalled the City had gone through a pretty comprehensive study to arrive at the agreement. <br />Mrs. Downs stated that there was no basement in the primary structure and in the case of an emergency, <br />this was the only place for their family, including three children, could go for safety. <br />Mayor Hunt said he saw three options available at this time; 1) reaffirm the original agreement; 2) "stop <br />the clock" on the agreement and allow the Downs time to modify their plan; 3) schedule a variance Public <br />Hearing. <br />Councilmember Johnston said she recalled the original agreement was a complex issue and had been <br />reached for good reason and is not inclined to make any changes at this time. <br />Attorney Filla suggested that if an extension to the current agreement was granted, the City should get it <br />in writing and be clear about a continuation and that this amended agreement be signed and recorded at <br />the County before the next City Council meeting. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston — to direct staff to prepare an amended agreement extending the garage <br />demolition date to June 30, 1999, with the intent being the staff work with the Downs on a modified <br />plan. <br />(Motion Passed 2-1). Opposed: Johnston; not inclined to change the original agreement. <br />4.0 Appeal by Countryside Pool & Spa — 9242 Hudson Blvd. <br />City Planner Dillerud said, responsive to a complaint received from the public, Countryside Pool & Spa <br />was in violation of the City's sign ordinance. <br />Dennis Opland <br />Owner — Countryside Pool & Spa <br />Mr. Opland stated that his business has been located at the site for over ten years and the trailer with the <br />signage has been utilized since 1991. He said he felt he had a legal right to have signage for his business . <br />which would be viewable from the I-94 corridor. He said he would be willing to remove one trailer, but <br />to simply put a small sign above the door would be a "joke." He said that if the City made him remove <br />the signage, the City would be signing a "death wish" for his business. He said he was currently working <br />with a local sign company to come up with an alternative and would entertain applying for a variance to <br />install a larger sign. <br />Terry Needham <br />Resident <br />Mr. Needham said he has dealt with a similar situation in City of Grant and said he felt Mr. Opland had a <br />legal right to use the side of a semi -trailer for signage and the City of Lake Elmo has virtually nothing to <br />say about it. <br />Mr. Opland said he wanted a fair and equitable solution to this problem and wanted resolution at tonight's <br />meeting. <br />City of Lake Elmo Council Meeting Tuesday, October 20, 1998 page 2 <br />