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8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Planning Commission Recommendation for amendment to Oakdale Gun Club CUP <br />Planner Dillerud reported at its September 14, 1998 meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously <br />adopted a recommendation to approve Oakdale Gun Club's application to amend the existing Gun Club <br />CUP to permit construction of two new structures (caretakers residence and storage building) that will <br />replace two existing structures. The new structures would be sited within the 40-acre Gun Club site at <br />locations different from the existing structures they are intended to replace. <br />The 1997 OP Comprehensive Plan Amendment reclassified this parcel from AG to OP, which results in the <br />Gun Club becoming a non -conforming use since target ranges are only allowed as a Conditional Use in the <br />RR district. The Commission recommended as a condition of approval that this parcel be reclassified from <br />OP to RAD in the Comprehensive Plan, which would coincide with the RR zoning classification, and <br />remove the non -conforming status of the Gun Club use. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to adopt Resolution No. 98-58, as amended (Pg. 2, Condition 3. ----from OP to <br />RAD.), A Resolution granting a Conditional Use Permit amendment to the Oakdale Gun Club to allow <br />construction of a caretaker residence and storage building. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Attorney Filla pointed out the City does need to take care of the amendment to the Land Use Plan before <br />building permits are granted. <br />B. Ordinance amending Section 1360.01, Subd 5 Snow Fence <br />At its September 14, 1998 meeting, City Planner Dillerud presented the Planning Commission a draft <br />ordinance, amending Section 1360.01 Subd-5 Snow Fences:; "Snow fences shallnot be located within fifty <br />feet of property lines or public streets. Snow fences shall not beiplaccdprior shall -be <br />. <br />removed prior to April 15." The Planning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance <br />amendment: <br />M/S/P D .../D_T d <br />unn a app - to postpone cons erahon until Councilman DeLapp gets his comments into the <br />City Planner for his reaction and place on October 20 Council agendar (Motion passed 4-0). . <br />C. Repeal of Future Land Use Map <br />City Planner Dillerud reported the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending to the Council <br />that the Land Use Map element of the Comprehensive Plan be amended to delete OP guiding; and <br />reintroduce the land use guiding in place prior to the May 21, 1996 adoption by the Council of the OP <br />amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission also recommended that the reintroduced land use <br />guiding preclude residential land development of the type represented by RE guiding and zoning. The City <br />Attorney has advised that State Statutes mandate consistency between the Land Use Map and the Zoning <br />Map within 90 days. Council member Dunn was not in favor of the mandatory feature of OP, but <br />suggested that OP be an optional development procedure, with RR development into 10 acre parcels, and <br />RR clustering continuing to be permitted, even within areas of the City designated for OP. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to direct the City Planner to prepare a modification of OP standards in the Lake <br />Elmo Municipal Code and Comprehensive Plan. This modification would permit property owners the <br />option of developing under Ag, RR, RR clustering or OP zoning. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Letter from Tim Freeman, Folz, Freeman, Dupay & Associates requesting taking property out of <br />the Development Moratorium on Village Commission Study Area <br />The City received a letter from Tim Freeman, Folz, Freeman, Dupay & Assoc., asking the City to being <br />the process of removing the parcels owned by Robert Engstrom and Terry Emerson and Ed Forliti from the <br />Development Moratorium on Village Commission Study Area. The property owners are interested in <br />working on a cooperative study for development potential of this area. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 1998 5 <br />