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City Planner Dillerud pointed out the City was made aware of illegal cutting of live trees and a letter <br />addressing this concern was sent to the Developer. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to postpone reduction of the Letter of Credit for Hamlet on Sunfish Lake until the <br />investigation of tree removal and nature of restoration has been decided. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Payment estimate to Tower Asphalt <br />In his November 13, 1998 letter, Tom Prew recommended approval of Partial Payment No. 4 to Tower <br />Asphalt. Landscaping work on 30d' Street remains for the spring. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve partial payment #4 in the amount of $137,008,38 be made to <br />Tower Asphalt for the work completed on the 30fl' Street Reconstruction Project. This approval is based on <br />the recommendation of the City Engineer in his memo dated November 13, 1998. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Council member Dunn thanked the residents on 30d' Street for any inconvenience they incurred during the <br />street reconstruction. She did not approve of the roundabout island, but Council member DeLapp supported <br />the island and thought it would look better once the landscaping is done in the spring. <br />E. Cracking on Stillwater Lane <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to direct the City Engineer and Maintenance Foreman to investigate possible <br />cracking of the bituminous overlay on Stillwater Lane and report back to the Council. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />8. PLANNING. LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Appeal of Order by Countryside Pool & Spa <br />At its October 20, 1998 meeting, the Council tabled this matter and directed staff to research the history of <br />signage for the 9242 Hudson Blvd. building, City Planner Dillerud researched the City records and <br />reported that no master sign plan has ever been approved for this building. Further, he said that it appears <br />thatnone of -the current signage on this site and structure, except the monument sign along Hudson Blvd., <br />has been constructed responsive to a City permit. <br />The owner of Countryside Pools and Spas agreed to remove the trailer which he uses to advertise his <br />business, but he emphasized that he will need to work out a plan with the City regarding signage for his <br />business which will require a sign variance. <br />Attorney Filla indicated that the owner of the building, Mr. Dovolis, has been advised of the lack of <br />compliance, and the City must deal with the owner of the building. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to postpone action until an updated resolution, A Revised Affirmation of the <br />Notice of Violation Compliance Order of the Code Enforcement Officer could be drafted for the December <br />1" Council meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Workshop on Concept Plan — Zintl/2"d Phase of Fields of St. Croix/Screaton <br />At its November 5, 1998 meeting, the Council directed a November 17 workshop for a report by the group <br />of property owners in Section 12 working on a multi -parcel concept covering approximately 165 acres. <br />Tim Freeman met with the adjacent property owners that would be impacted by their plan. An additional <br />IOacre parcel, west of Screaton, will be included in their concept plans. No concept plan was provided for <br />inclusion in the Council packet. <br />Mr. Freeman indicated that the property owners are still not in agreement over a choice of three concepts <br />presented, but in order to go forward on this project, the property needs to be removed from the <br />moratorium. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1998 <br />