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12-01-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-01-98 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNT , MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1i . 5 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to reduce the required escrow account for Prairie Hamlet to $81,798, based on <br />the City Engineer's certification of completed work, except that the Administrative Fee escrow shall remain <br />at $9,010. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Countryside Pool & Spa — Affirm Building Official's Order <br />At its November 17, 1998 meeting, the Council tabled this agenda item which involves an appeal of a <br />Building Official Order to remove semi -trailers at 9242 Hudson Blvd. that are being used by the appellant <br />for storage and signage in violation of the City Code. This matter was tabled to permit the City Attorney to <br />modify the Resolution Affirming the Building Official's Order to include the City's actions and findings in <br />this matter. Attorney Filla provided a redraft for the Council's consideration and adoption. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to adopt Resolution No. 98-66, Affirming the Notice of Violation -Compliance <br />Order of the Lake Elmo Code Enforcement Officer regarding storage and signage at 9242 Hudson Blvd. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. A-to-Z Day Care — Conditional Use Permit at Cimarron <br />The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit to operate a <br />State license day care for up to 30 children at 901 Lake Elmo Avenue in the Cimarron community building, <br />subject to four conditions, including annual review. The Planning Commission was advised by staff that <br />there had been day care operations in this facility for many years, but can find no evidence of a CUP <br />previously approved. <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 98-67, approving a Conditional Use Permit for A-to-Z <br />Day Care and Learning Center for State licensed day care of up to 30 children at 901 Lake Elmo Avenue — <br />Cimarron Community Building. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Planner Dillerud will remind the Building Inspector that the Day Care needs to meet ADA regulations. <br />C. Zoning Ordinance —Public Facilities Text Amendments. <br />At its November 23, 1998 meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended adoption of <br />amendments to the PF Zoning district standards. Since the current PF district standards are minimal, this <br />amendment amounts to a completely new zoning ordinance text. Planner Dillerud explained the majority <br />of the discussion and public testimony has centered on the following elements: requirement for Conditional <br />Use Permits for all uses; Conditional Use permit standards for Places of Worship; Maximum Parcel Size; <br />and Site Buffers. The buffer standards have been modified from the original draft to eliminate the need for <br />a buffer along street frontages. <br />The Council received a petition with approximately 65 names of residents that want Lake Elmo to be a City <br />with churches and families who are allowed to actively live out their faith on a daily basis. They oppose <br />the proposed amendments, which would decrease their allowed religious expression and increase <br />government interference. <br />Jeff Roos, representing Apostolic Bible Church, stated he approached the PZ along with other churches to <br />voice concerns on the new restriction for committing land for a buffer zone. In his case, he would be <br />giving up 91% of their property for a buffer, which would leave him 9 percent to build on. The PF <br />Ordinance is a very restrictive piece of legislation. <br />Chuck Palmer, Lakewood Church, stated he is disappointed in the Draft PF ordinance. The PZ did not <br />include the Church's suggestions. Sub. 1 & 2 requiring a CUP for places of worship is wrong. Churches <br />must be a permitted use. The maximum lot size of 15 acres is not necessary. He has asked and not received <br />a logical explanation. This restriction should be removed or revised. The 50% impervious surface coverage <br />requirement should be removed and replaced with a graduated scale. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1998 5 <br />
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