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LAKE ELMO CITY COUN1 , MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 11... 4 <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to appoint Ellen Neuenfeldt to a three-year, full voting member of the Parks <br />Commission with this term expiring December, 2001. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Purchase of Trench Boxes <br />Mayor Hunt and Dan Olinger inspected two used trench boxes that the City of North St. Paul is selling for <br />$5,000. These boxes cost approximately $12,000 new. The City does not have any trench boxes, <br />something required by OSHA for the performance of certain forms of excavation. In the past, we have <br />rented them, but have had to go as far as Rosemount to get them. Staff recommended that the City approve <br />the purchase of these trench boxes and offered the following motion. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the purchase of two used trench boxes from the City of North St. <br />Paul at a cost of $5,000 for both, plus applicable sales tax, if necessary. The cost is to be a debit to the City <br />Water Utility Fund. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Council member DeLapp stated that if it were anticipated this cost would put the Water Utility Fund in <br />arrears, this motion would be reconsidered. <br />C. Appointment to MAC <br />Mayor Hunt recommended Charles Stanley, 8640 42"d Street, who has a mechanical background, be <br />appointed to the Maintenance Advisory Committee. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to appoint Charles Stanley, 8640 42"d Street, to serve on the Maintenance Advisory <br />Committee. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Review of MAC Minutes <br />Mayor Hunt reported the MAC met on November 23, 1998 and discussed the CIP for the Maintenance <br />Dept. and the condition of the equipment due to increased deterioration because of lack of proper storage. <br />A few pieces of equipment will have their CIP dates changed. A complete list will be forward to the <br />Finance Director for inclusion in the CIP. The sweeper has more than paid for it and is scheduled for <br />replacement. The MAC, by motion, recommended the Maintenance Dept. be authorized to prepare <br />specifications for the purchase of a reconditioned sweeper and to send the specifications out for quotations. <br />MAC had a concern on the need for a maintenance facility, which was brought up three years ago. Dan <br />Olinger will try to set up a date for a visit to see the weather warning and monitoring satellite system at No. <br />St. Paul. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Escrow Reduction — PrairieHamlet <br />Planner Dillerud reported the City Engineer submitted a November 25, 1998 certification regarding <br />complete work for Prairie Hamlet and recommended reduction in the escrow account held for the City as <br />security. Two concerns/issues were raised: <br />I. The City Engineer has determined that landscaping for the Developer has requested each escrow <br />reduction have been installed inconsistent with the approved Landscape Plan. No reduction in this <br />escrow line item is recommended pending corrections to comply. <br />2. The City Engineer had recommended previously that the Administrative Fee line item be reduced to <br />$4,516. That was not done — it has remained at $9,010 pending completion of all inspection work, and <br />billing of City administrative charges to this project. <br />Based on the modification from the City Engineer's letter regarding Administrative Fee escrow, staff <br />recommended reduction in the escrow account to $81,798. (($56,429 + 9,010))* 1.25). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1998 <br />