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02-16-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-16-99 CCM
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3. INSURANCE PACKAGE RENEWAL <br />Dave Holmberg, Zignego Agency, our agent for insurance through the League of Minnesota Cities, <br />provided the 1999 Renewal Premium Summary/Comparison. The premium increased $2,133 from last <br />year. This is attributed to the purchase of new equipment. The renewal also reflects the increased limits of <br />tort liability for local units of government, made by the 1997 Legislature and a Bond for the Fire Relief <br />Association Treasurer. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to approve the Renewal Premium from the League of Minnesota Cities at at cost of <br />$37,091. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to resolve that the City does not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort <br />liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04, consistent with past policy. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />CLAIMS <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to approve the February 16, 1999 Claims, as presented. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INOUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Doug Johnson, Washington County Attorney: Introduction <br />B. Colley, McVoy Public Relations Contract: <br />Administrator Kueffner reported that Baytown's Attorney had the same concerns with language in the <br />contract as Lake Elmo's City Attorney, Jerry Filla. Kueffner will meet with Bob Gagne to go over the <br />concerns, and the contract will come back to the Council for approval. <br />C. Dates for Consolidation Meetings <br />Administrator Kueffner reported public meetings to present the Consolidation Plan will be held on March <br />15 and March 30, at 7:00 p.m., Oakland Jr. H.S.. Kueffner will invite the Baytown Town Board, Lake <br />Elmo City Council, Dept. Heads, Fire Dept., City Engineer, and Auditing firm to attend the public <br />meetings. Mayor Hunt will extend an invitation to the political figures. A booklet will be put together, by <br />volunteers, bulleting the high points of the Consolidation plan. The next City newsletter will be dedicated <br />to the consolidation. <br />D. Heritage Farm Homeowners Association <br />Council member DeLapp reported the first full Heritage Farm Homeowners Association Board meeting <br />will be held, Thursday, February 18, at 6:30 p.m. at Lake Elmo City Hall and Council members are invited <br />to attend. Mayor Hunt and Administrator Kueffner will try to attend the meeting. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Washington County Sheriff's Contract <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow - to approve the 1999 Law Enforcement Contract with the Washington County <br />Sheriff's Department. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARKS/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Clean -Up Days <br />Administrator Kueffner and Dan Olinger met with Gary Vasko regarding the City's 1999 Clean-up day and <br />selected April 24, from 8 a.m. until noon, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. They have been working <br />on a revised fee schedule, which will be provided to the Council at the March 2"d meeting. <br />Councilor DeLapp suggested asking the Baytown Town Board if it would like sharing Lake Ehno's clean <br />up day with their residents. The hours may need to be extended in order to serve all the residents. Help <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1999 <br />
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