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02-16-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-16-99 CCM
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D. Storm Drainage Easement by Tartan Park βthe Homestead <br />Planner Dillerud reported the City Attorney has recommended the Council accept the submitted drainage <br />easement across a portion of Tartan Park property (pipe) related to the Homestead OP. The City Engineer <br />has reviewed the easement for adequacy, and Lake Elmo Foundation (Tartan Park) has executed the <br />easement. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn β to accept the drainage easement from the Lake Elmo Foundation as <br />recommended by the City Attorney and City Engineer, and executed by the Lake Elmo Foundation January <br />8, 1999. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: NO REPORT <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Hunt reported on the following: <br />Dr. Macy, Supt. of Stillwater Schools, requested approx. 20 minutes on a Council agenda to <br />introduce her and update the Council on current issues and address questions. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn β to direct the staff to contract Dr. Macy, Supt. of Stillwater Schools, to schedule a <br />time for her to appear at a City Council meeting in the near future. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Received a request from Washington County Board Chair, to have a District 2 television show, <br />hosted by Bill Pulkrabek. According to GTN, one of the municipalities within thejurisdiction has to <br />request this TV program. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong β to endorse the desire of the Washington County Board Chair to have a <br />program produced for District 2, and further encourages GTN and the Washington County Board of <br />Commissioners consider a wider forum for the entire Washington County. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Had a discussion on GTN on Lake Elmo Diary. GTN would like to come in and kick-start the <br />program. <br />The Human Rights Commission asked about their budget and creating a brochure on describing <br />the FIRC. <br />Council member DeLapp asked the City to reconsider the septic ordinance based on tonight's discussion of <br />allowing mound systems. A change to the septic ordinance will be drafted based on the City Engineer and <br />Attorney input and placed under Unfinished Business on a future Council agenda. <br />Council member Dunn asked that more information be given out on the proposed consolidation with Lake <br />Elmo and Baytown. She also asked the Council and staff follow the purchase policy which requires <br />administrative review on equipment purchases. <br />Council member Armstrong agreed that information on the Consolidation needs to be inserted in the <br />newsletter and sent to Baytown residents. Administrator Kueffner will work with Pat St. Clair on a <br />mailing. Once the City receives anew rate schedule, she asked if there is interest in holding a Fall Clean <br />up day. <br />10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />JL CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Update on February 10'h Baytown/Bayport Meeting <br />Administrator Kueffner reported on the meeting she attended between Baytown and Bayport. She found <br />Bayport a very nice group to work with and a group who wants to control their development. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1999 <br />
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