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Tim Freeman, Folz, Freeman, Dupay & Assoc., explained the recommendation for the use of a mound <br />system for septic treatment was made because the Dale Ellin, soil tester, encountered evidence of high <br />water in the soil borings on the property. They are unable to have standard septic systems because they are <br />4' from the water. Mr. Eklin contacted the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to visit the site to verify <br />his findings. The representatives were more comfortable with mound systems, which provide an extra <br />measure of safety. Lake Elmo code requires a variance for a mound system to be used as the primary <br />treatment system. <br />Council member Dunn voiced her concern that the developer receives a Valley Branch Watershed permit <br />for the preliminary plat based on the past history of the water problem in the area and questioned the <br />number of parcels presented in the Waters Bay plat. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No. 99-16, as amended, approving variances to permit mound <br />septic systems as the primary wastewater treatment system on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Waters Bay Preliminary <br />Plat, subject to conditions of the City Engineer's letter of February 4, 1999 and approval/recording of the <br />Waters Bay Final Plat. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Council member Armstrong explained the reasons she voted for the motion was the neighbors didn't <br />oppose the variance request and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency recommended a mound system. <br />B. Preliminary Plat: Waters Bay Schmidt/Hedges <br />At its February 8°i meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of <br />the Waters Bay Preliminary Plat. Planner Dillerud explained the focus of the Hearing testimony and <br />Commission discussion regarding the proposed plat was overall site elevation in relation to the lake, and <br />the location of the driveway proposed to serve Lot I. The issue with respect to site elevation is a function <br />of the relationship between the present DNR established Ordinary High Water and 100-Year Flood <br />elevations of the lake and the existing site elevations. A condition of the Planning Commission <br />recommendation is the combination of the driveways from Lake Jane Trail to Lots 1 and 2. <br />According to the Lake Elmo Code, Council member DeLapp brought up the minimum driveway angle <br />from a two way access street shall be 90 degrees and from a one way street shall be 30 degrees. On the Plat <br />presented, the driveway is a 60degree angle. DeLapp wanted to address this now because of the concern on <br />landscaping between property on south and Lot 2. If the driveway angle has to change to 90 degrees, then <br />it will push the driveway further into the lot and provide a greater buffer to the neighboring properties. Tim <br />Freeman said he could change the driveway to a 90-degree angle so the driveway will be further away from <br />the Taylor property. The Building Official will have to address the driveway location when the building <br />permit comes in. <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp —to adopt Resolution No. 99-17, approving the Preliminary Plat of Waters Bay <br />upon the findings and conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Amendments to OP <br />Planner Dillerud recommended the Council direct the Planning Commission to continue its review of the <br />text and promptly hear and recommend an inclusive OP text amendment. A public hearing will be <br />published for the March 8`n Planning Commission meeting, and the Council could see the new Commission <br />recommendation at its March 16 meeting. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to direct the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the amendment to <br />the OP Ordinance on March 8, 1999, and report its findings to the Council at the earliest possible date. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1999 <br />