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02-02-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-02-99 CCM
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8. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Final Plat for Collopy Hills: Abbott/Friederichs <br />On behalf of his client, in his February 2, 1999 letter, Tim Freeman of Folz, Freeman, Dupay & Assoc., <br />requested that the Final Plat for Collopy Hills be removed from the City Council agenda on February 2, <br />1999. Freeman will contact the Council in the future if the status of this project changes. <br />B. CANCELLED <br />C. Amended Open Space Concept Plan: Tana Ridge <br />Planner Dillerud reported at its January 25, 1999 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended <br />approval of the amended OP Concept Plan for 18 single family detached dwelling units on a 40-acre site <br />west of the Fields of St. Croix and south of 50'h Sheet N. The approval recommendation consisted of <br />several conditions, many of which are related to the interdependence of this amended OP Concept Plan <br />with the Emerson/Forliti and Fields 2"d OP Concept Plan. <br />The Lake Elmo Parks Commission reviewed the three concept plans at its January 12th meeting and <br />recommended to accept the Public Park Dedication proposed, subject to: Parking facilities to include five <br />parking stalls on the north side of the park and 15 stalls on the south side of park, with a two-way street <br />from TH5, total acres of park to be 14.5-acres, park to include a soccer filed, softball diamond, tot lot; all to <br />be built by developers, two signs; one each end of park (north and south) announcing the park as a "Lake <br />Elmo City Park". <br />Tim Freeman, Folz, Freeman, Dupay & Assoc., submitted a memo outlining the position of the three <br />developers as it concerns the open space calculation of the three developments. In all of the previously <br />approved Open Space development, the areas dedicated as park have been considered a part of the required . <br />open space. Mr. Freeman also submitted a memo outlining the position of the three developers as it <br />concerns the park portion of these developments. Their main interest was to create a neighborhood park <br />that would be an asset to the development, as well as the City. With the 120 plus homes; including Phase 1 <br />of Fields of St. Croix, that are being proposed adjacent to this neighborhood park, they feel that additional <br />scheduling will overcrowd this facility. This will seriously detract from the neighborhood feel of this new <br />area of Lake Elmo. The use of a Neighborhood Park, as defined in the Lake Elmo Park Plan, is to serve the <br />needs of the surrounding neighborhood, not the entire community. <br />After much discussion, the Council agreed to the following amendments: The Development Stage Plan <br />shall reflect Public Park Dedication coordinated with the Emerson/Forliti and Fields 2"d as follows: <br />1. The public park shall be 12.5 acres in area, as depicted by the concept plan. <br />2. The public park dedication shall include park improvements at a cost not to exceed $40,000, and <br />include grading and seeding of a soccer field, grading and seeding of a softball field; installation of a <br />chain link backstop; and building of a tot -lot area with sand base an activity equipment. <br />3. Vehicular parking for Park visitors shall be on street, with sheet cross section to accommodate five <br />vehicles. <br />4. The public park dedication proposed shall be also considered Preserved Open Space for the purpose of <br />Ordinance requirement regarding Open Space to be provided. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to adopt Resolution No. 99-11, as amended, approving the amended OP Concept <br />Plan for Tana Ridge, based on the findings, and subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning <br />Commission. (Motion passed 3-2:Dunn: This is too dense of a development for the area. Not in favor of <br />transfer of density. Armstrong:She voted against these parcels to come out of the moratorium. The <br />development is too dense for the area. The Council should look at each parcel individually. She is not in <br />favor of the transfer of density. The Council has not considered what the Planning Commission has asked <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 1999 <br />
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