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Advisory Committee's recommendation and findings. There was no administrative review done on this <br />purchase. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Location for Detached Garage; Eric & Kari Wahlstrom, 11415 30a' Street <br />Jim McNamara, Building Official, reported Eric Wahlstron, 11415 30a' Street, proposes construction of a <br />detached garage on their lot closer to the road than the main structure. This lot backs up to Legion Pond. <br />Section 300.13, Subd, 31 allows location of a detached garage closer to the public road than the main <br />structure by City Council Resolution. The applicant provided a site plan for review, but was not in <br />attendance to answer any questions <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong β€” to postpone consideration of Eric and Kari Wahlstrom's request for <br />construction of a detached garage closer to the road than the main structure until the applicant can show on <br />a sketch where the neighbors residences are located, contact neighbors for letter of support, and state what <br />physical conditions exist on the property to dictate this garage placement. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. South Washington County Interceptor Facilities Plan: NO ACTION TAKEN <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew, reviewed the South Washington County Interceptor Facilities Plan with the <br />Council and recommended that they ask for 0.5 mgd in the new treatment plant and interceptor for long <br />term emergency capacity by the City. The MCES will meet with the Council soon to formally review the <br />final plan with them. <br />B. Resolution requesting speed study on 30`h Street/Update on Traffic Studies <br />Administrator Kueffner reported on her conversation with Jolene Servatius of Mn/DOT regarding local <br />traffic studies on Highway 5, from Inwood Avenue to Jamaca Avenue; Manning Avenue and Highway 5; <br />and on 301' Street. Tom Prow explained the current speed limit of 30 MPH on 301h Street was reduced to <br />30MPH after the reconstruction. The last authorization for 30a Street was in 1991 and at that time 35mph <br />was authorized to be posted from CSAH17 to 400 feet east of Legion Avenue, and 50 meh was authorized <br />to be posted form Legion Avenue to CSAH15. In order to change the speed limit on 30` Street, the City <br />must, by resolution, request a speed study by Mn/DOT. In the meantime, we cannot enforce the posted <br />speed limits on 30a' Street and the Washington County Sheriffs Dept. has been notified of this. Kueffner <br />asked if we could leave the signs up until the speed study was done. Ms. Servatius said, "at the advice of <br />our City Attorney, we could post the design speed." She stressed that we could not enforce the posted <br />speed limits. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong β€” to adopt Resolution No. 99-9, requesting Mn/DOT conduct a speed study on <br />30th Street, between CSAH 17 (Lake Elmo Avenue) and CSAH 15 (Manning Avenue). (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />C. Speed Study β€”TH5 <br />Council member Dunn asked that the speed limit along TH5 be reduced to 40 MPH from 45 MPH between <br />Klondike Avenue and CSAH17 for safety of people exiting and entering off of CSAH17. The MnDOT <br />engineer questioned why a signal system wasn't installed at CSAH17 and TH5; in the center of town. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp to adopt Resolution No. 99-10, requesting Mn/DOT conduct a speed study <br />along TH 5 from CSAH 17 to Klondike Avenue within the City of Lake Elmo. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Councilor DeLapp hopes MnDOT looks at the context of the entire Old Village rather than installing lights <br />at intersections because there are other means to control traffic. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn β€” to direct the staff to invite Jolene Servatius of MnDOT, to a Council meeting to <br />discuss Highway 5 through the Old Village and Highway 36 development plans. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 1999 <br />