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MINUTES APPROVED: February 22, 1999 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP <br />FEBRUARY 9, 1999 <br />Mayor Hunt called the Workshop on the Public Facility Ordinance to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br />chambers. PRESENT: City Council: Armstrong, DeLapp, Hunt, Dunn, City Planner Dillerud. Planning <br />Commission: Helwig, Herber, Mandel, Sedro, Sessing. Notices of the meeting were sent to all of the <br />Churches. <br />The Council and Commission received a copy of the DRAFT 8-24-98 PF Ordinance; Council and Planning <br />Commission Minutes; Councilor DeLapp's Public Facility Ordinance Review and Alternatives dated <br />February 6, 1999; and letters from the River Valley Christian Church, MFRA, Parkview Community <br />Church, St, Croix Valley Christians in Action, clarifying their opposition to the proposed PF Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />Council member DeLapp gave a review of his proposal for PF performance based standards; with the PF <br />uses allowed in all zones by Conditional Use Permit subject to the performance standards. The question <br />raised "Does the City want a specific PF Zone OR should PF uses be allowed in all zones by a CUP?" The <br />PF Zoning requires 4 votes and a CUP requires 3 votes. Mayor Hunt favored Councilor DeLapp's <br />submittal, where Council members Armstrong and Dunn were comfortable with a PF Zone. <br />In response to a question regarding PF uses on very small parcels in the Old Village Area, Planner Dillerud <br />reported it has been the Village Commission's assumption, once they have adopted the Old Village policies <br />and the land use plan, their next task is to have a separate zoning district for the Old Village. What Council <br />member DeLapp has suggested to the Council, is something called performance zoning. It is done <br />elsewhere in the country and is really the essence of zoning... relative performance. It doesn't make any <br />difference what the use is; it's the output of the use that we are concerned with. <br />The following were suggested changes made to the DRAFT 8-24-98 PF Ordinance:. <br />(a) Cemeteries provided that: <br />2. No mausoleum, crematorium, or other structure is permitted. ("other structure" will be defined <br />by Planner Dillerud. It could be a maintenance shed, which maybe required. The <br />maximum size needs to be stated. Subd. 4 Accessory Uses and Strictures could solve this <br />problem) <br />(b) Churches and Places of Worship provided that" <br />3. No single on -site sewer system shall be designed to handle more than 5,000 gallons per day. <br />(Delete "single".) <br />(c) Compost Facilities provided that: <br />(When studying a site for the Maintenance Facility, the City Administrator submitted a list of <br />conditions for approval of a compost site. The Planner will ask the City Administrator to <br />resurrect the list of conditions needed for approval of a compost site.) <br />Subd. 6 Performance Standards <br />vii. Delete: "The City may allow architecturally enhanced and integrally colored block," <br />Delete: "Non-structural metal standing seam roofing is permitted. Add: "Metal roofs are permitted <br />only if they are non- structural standing seam roofs." <br />b. Parking. <br />2. Facilities for Local, County and State Government. Council member DeLapp explained occupant <br />is based on direct proportion to floor area, 1 person per 100 sq.ft. of office building. Parking <br />could also be proportionate. Planner Dillerud will check into the parking standards based on <br />bathrooms. <br />