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C. Landscaping. <br />Delete: "A reasonable attempt shall be made to preserve as many existing trees as is practical and to <br />incorporate them into the site plan." Planner Dillerud will offer wording for tree preservation. <br />Delete: "noise, sight, sound and glare." <br />d. Buffering <br />Council member DeLapp suggested same utilization as permitted in the underlying zoning. <br />e. Signage. <br />Planner Dillerud reported there is no provision for PF signage in Section 535.07, Subd 2. Attorney <br />Filla sent a letter to the Planner stating signs are not permitted in the PF Zone, and we cannot issue <br />sign permits in the PF District. <br />f. Lighting. <br />Planner Dillerud and Council member DeLapp is working on lighting standards. <br />g. Traffic. <br />Council member DeLapp wanted to quantify this. Need levels of traffic. DeLapp's proposal is to go <br />with underlying zoning. Planner Dillerud suggested deleting "acceptable to the City." He will come <br />up with numerical figures. <br />Subd. 5. Minimum District Requirements <br />Principal Structure Height 35' in residential areas <br />A "traditional" designed church could be 50' in height with its steeply pitched roof Traditional designed <br />church needs to be defined. The City is trying to preclude a5-story church (box). Dillerud will work on a <br />numerical standard for the height of side walls and roof pitch so it could be up to 50'. <br />Bell Tower - Maximum "Unoccupied space above the roof could be up to a certain number.of feet" to <br />avoid it becoming something else. <br />Accessory Structure Height <br />1-story maximum 35'. 18' side wall height. <br />Impervious Surface Coverage — Maximum <br />The Council, as well as the Planning Commission, indicated they could live with 30 to 35% maximum <br />impervious surface coverage. <br />Planner Dillerud will send the changes to Attorney Filla to see if the ordinance requires a new public <br />hearing. <br />The Council and Planning Commission will hold a PF workshop on Monday, February 22, at 5:30 p.m. <br />before the Planning Commission meeting. Planner Dillerud will make a presentation of the PF Ordinance. <br />The City needs to see how the PF Ordinance will impact the City and the needs of the Maintenance and <br />Fire Department. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy City Clerk <br />