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04-20-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-20-99 CCM
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M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No. 99-26, awarding the 1999 Crack Sealing project to <br />Northwest Asphalt Maintenance in the amount of $21,960.00, based on a favorable recommendation of the <br />City Engineer in his memo dated April 15, 1999. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Waters Bay Final Plat <br />At the April 66 meeting, the City Council tabled the Waters Bay Final Plat pending a clarification of the <br />intent of the Planning Commission Preliminary Plat recommendation regarding the location of the shared <br />driveway serving Lots 1&2. Neighboring residents maintained that the Planning Commission did specify a <br />location for the shared driveway based on the Preliminary Plat driveway location shown for Lot 2. The <br />developer proposal for the shared driveway, presented to the Council on February 16, showed a shared <br />driveway based on the location of the Lot I driveway. The recommendation of the Planning Commission <br />said nothing about the location for the shared driveway. <br />At its April 12, 1999 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted a motion confirming the shared driveway <br />location based on the location of the driveway for Lot 1 (per the drawing dated February 11), but specifying <br />the driveway intersect Lake Jane Trail <br />Diane Taylor, 8586 Lake Jane Trail, asked for the driveway to be moved northerly because of the concern <br />on street safety and lights shining into their house. <br />Tim Freeman reported the Final Plat under consideration is identical to the preliminary plat approved. All <br />of the conditions of the code have been met. <br />After discussion between Council members and Diane Taylor, the Council agreed to revise the driveway as <br />shown in Exhibit A, with the addition of planting 12 spruce trees. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No. 99-27, A Resolution approving the Waters Bay Final <br />Plat (Motion passed 4-1:Dunn: Against approval due to the potential damage to the environmental <br />ecology in the area, two lots would be fine; residents were in opposition to the driveway, safety <br />consideration of multiple driveways to road.) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to adopt Resolution No. 99-28, A Resolution setting conditions prior to release and <br />recording of the Waters Bay Final Plat, as amended, Condition 3: as shown in Exhibit A, dated April 20, <br />1999, signed by the City Planner, to include planting of six-6' spruce trees, six-2' spruce at the south <br />driveway for maximum shielding. Condition 4: Transfer of outlots to the adjoining property owners are to <br />be completed and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits by the City (Motion passed 4-1:Dunn) <br />B. Public Facility Ordinance: April 8`i' DRAFT <br />The City Council received the April 8, 1999 DRAFT of the Public Facility Ordinance, which reflected the <br />recommended text amendments of the'Planning Commission. The modifications are as follows: <br />1. Deletion of Compost Sites as an Allowed Use; <br />2. Addition of"matching materials" as an alternative exterior finish; <br />3. Classification of existing PF uses as "Conforming" without the need for a CUP; and <br />4. Permitting the required site buffer to be in addition to the 15-acre site size maximum. <br />The Planning Commission discussed the impact of the proposed amendments on existing PF uses and <br />structures. By unanimous vote to recommend without further ordinance modifications, the Commission <br />believed those impacts to be minimal, and that the conflicts could be addressed on a case -by -case basis as <br />they would arise. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 20, 1999 <br />
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