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4. PUBLIC INOUH2IES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Recognition of Jaycee Family of the Year: Dee Hovland <br />President of the Lake Elmo Jaycees, Randy Wagner, indicated that the Lake Elmo Chapter was ranked <br />fourth in the State and twenty-eighth in the nation. Randy was voted the top Jaycee president in Minnesota. <br />Dee Hovland and sons, Josh and Zach, will be competing for Family of the Year at the National <br />Championship, Niagara Falls, NY. A car wash fundraiser will be held on Saturday, May 22, from 10 a.m. <br />to 3 p.m, at the Lake Elmo Chrysler dealership. The Council wished them continued success and good luck <br />in the National competition. <br />B. Traffic problem at entrance of Fields of St. Croix <br />In their April 29"' letter to the Council, residents of the Fields of St. Croix Development, indicated a traffic <br />problem at the entrance of the subdivision. Many drivers are using the right -turn lane at that intersection as <br />a passing lane when another driver is turning left. Most vehicles are traveling at speed in excess of 55 mph <br />when they pass the left -turning driver. They suggested signage to remind drivers that no passing is <br />allowed, and/or increase ticketing of those who do pass unlawfully. <br />Administrator Kueffner had forward this letter to the Washington County Sheriff Dept., who contacted the <br />state patrol who will do extra enforcement in that area. A request was made to Mn/DOT to erect a No <br />Passing sign, <br />The Council asked that MnDOT look into the inconsistent markings (arrows for turn lanes), traffic - <br />calming, speed limits for the entire area along Highway 5 to make the intersection safer at 5 and 17. The <br />Village Commission had pointed out in their report 13 accesses onto Highway 5 <br />Administrator Kueffner will send a letter to the residents of the Fields of St. Croix indicating the Council <br />asked Mn/DOT for greater enforcement, signage, and a traffic calming study on region of Highway 5 up to <br />96. The residents should contact the City if they have additional suggestions. <br />C. Reschedule June 15th Council meeting <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn - Due to the June 15'h Consolidation Special Election, the City Council rescheduled <br />the June 15" City Council meeting to Wednesday, June 16th, 7 p.m. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. CSAH17 Rehabilitation Project <br />Administrator Kueffner provided the November 17, 1998 workshop minutes where the Council and <br />residents recommended NO separated bike path. In the workshop minutes, City Engineer Tom Prew asked <br />that the small stretch by the intersection of 43rd Street and 39°1 Street be looked at for possible solid yellow <br />lines for NO Passing. <br />Council member DeLapp indicated the Council did not decide if the shoulder should be 4' or 8' wide and <br />asked we invite Washington County Public works for clarification of plan. Council member Dunn wanted <br />to ask the County about the status of the parkway into the Regional Park Reserve. <br />The Council asked for a clarification of future plans for CSAH17 by Don Wisniewski, Director of <br />Washington County Public Works, at the June 1 City Council meeting. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Resolution Designating Polling Places for June 15 Special Election <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to adopt Resolution No. 99-31, A Resolution designating Polling Places for June <br />15, 1999 Special Election. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 18, 1999 <br />