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06-01-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-01-99 CCM
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4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Pete Schiltgen, 10880 Stillwater Blvd N., asked how did the Creative Office Garden building located along <br />Highway. 5 ever get approved because it is too close to the road, the architecture spoils the rural character <br />and will set a precedent. The Council explained the application met all the zoning district requirements, the <br />owner of the building is an architect, the building application preceded the moratorium, and there are no <br />design standards in place. The developer stated there would be extensive landscaping that would prevent <br />you from seeing the building. <br />Mr. Schiltgen also brought up that Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber is sitting on his property line and if the <br />building burns, since it is out of compliance, could the building be rebuilt. Administrator Kueffner <br />responded that special provisions were made for Lake Elmo Lumber and are not a non -conforming use. <br />Debbie Krueger explained she called the City about someone selling live trees out of their truck in the <br />White Hat Restaurant Parking Lot. She asked if an open sales lot at the White Hat is legal and voiced her <br />concern if inspections had been done on the trees for Japanese beetles and gypsy moth. Administrator <br />Kueffner was aware of the concern, which was forward to the Code Enforcement Officer. <br />B. Clarification of Plans for CSAH17 Overlay & Paving of Shoulders <br />Doug Fisher, Washington County Public Works, gave update on plans for CSAH17 Overlay and paving of <br />shoulders. He took the direction from the workshop of eliminating detached bike path and go with an 8' <br />paved shoulder. Now it is a 10' gravel shoulder. This project has been let, and was combined with similar <br />type projects for better cost. <br />Council member DeLapp stated that the right-of-way is 100-ft. wide allowing ample room for 2-12 ft. <br />driving lanes and a separated 8-ft' wide bike trail. He stated that the City will now have to spend tax <br />dollars to try and keep speeds near the posted limit of 55 mph. He stated that the residents and the City <br />needs a 45-mph road so we shouldn't be building a road with a 20-mph design for the benefit of thousands <br />of new houses in Stillwater. <br />Neil Krueger stated an 8' paved shoulder might create passing on the right. There are walkers, joggers, and <br />horse riders on this road. A 4' or 6' shoulder would be best. <br />Debbie Krueger felt 8' on both sides is a wide strip. Passing on right is a concern. An area south on <br />CSAH17, in front of the Day residence, seems to swallow up a car. Would like to see a double stripe from <br />Steve Pott's residence to the section of woods and the speed reduced to 45 mph. The ditches are awful. <br />They flood every year for the 15 years they lived there. <br />Pete Schiltgen wanted 8' paved shoulders and did not want a detached path because he would have to give <br />up land. He wants to be able to move equipment. <br />Doug Fisher explained the striping is consistent with standards for striping. They have re-examined the <br />whole area and don't want to create an unsafe passing zone. IIe found drivers needed to be educated that <br />passing on the shoulder is against the law. It is not a viable option to go with less than 8' paved shoulder. <br />Council member DeLapp noted that Pete Schiltgen requested 8-ft. paved shoulders so he could drive farm <br />implements. The County Engineer wanted passing zones to allow cars to go 55-mph to pass farm <br />implements using the 12-ft. driving lane. <br />C. Adopt Resolution Awarding General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds:Springsted <br />Paul Donna, Springsted, provided the results of the four bids and recommended awarding the sale to Dain <br />Rauscher Incorporated, Interest Rate 4.00%, July 1, 2002, Price $520,800.00, Net Interest Cost $67,200.00 <br />with True Interest Rate 4.2870%. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 1, 1999 <br />
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