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M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No. 99-33, A Resolution authorizing issuance, awarding sale, <br />prescribing the form and details and providing for the payment of $525,000 General Obligation Temporary <br />Improvement Bonds, Series 1999A. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Water Ski Show; Tri-Lakes Assoc.: Joe Kiesling <br />Joe Kiesling, Tri-Lakes Improvement Assoc., requested Council approval for a Water Ski show on Lake <br />Jane for August 14`h from 2-4 p.m. The Tri-Lakes Assoc. has secured appropriate insurance coverage and <br />the Sheriff Department has signed off on the permit pending Council approval. The Fire Department has <br />been contacted and will provide an emergency vehicle. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong - to approve the permit request of Joe Kiesling, on behalf of the Tri-Lakes <br />Association, to hold a Water Ski Show on Lake Jane, August 14" from 2-4 p.m., based upon the submittal <br />of the appropriate information and based on past favorable reports. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />E. Amendment to Manufactured Home Park Closing Ordinance: Floyd Olson <br />Floyd Olson, representing Cimarron Park Residents, submitted a petition for a proposed amendment to <br />Section550 of our Manufactured Home Park Closing Ordinance. This part of the code described <br />procedures, which would be followed if the Cimarron Manufactured Home Park is converted to a different <br />use and a park resident cannot relocate their manufactued home to another park within 25 miles. The park <br />resident could retain title to the manufactured home, remove it promptly from the park, and receive a <br />relocation benefit; or the park resident can elect to be paid the personal property tax value of the <br />manufactured home, transfer title to the park owner and vacate the park within a reasonable time. <br />Favorable comments were received from Jim Anderson, Manager of Cimarron Park. In his May 18 letter, <br />Attorney Filla commented on the proposed change. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amendment to Payment of <br />Additional Compensation for the June 16 meeting. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. 1998 Annual Fire Department Report <br />Fire Chief Dick Sachs presented the Annual Fire Department Report for 1998. The safety fair will be held <br />June 12, from 1-3 p.m. He thanked the Cimarron Bike Patrol for their assistance in directing traffic during <br />the natural gas leak and appreciated the support from the Lake Elmo Jaycees <br />The Council accepted the Annual Fire Department Report for 1998 and thanked Chief Sachs and the Fire <br />Department for its commitment to provide high quality of fire -rescue service to the City. <br />B. Data Processing Hardware for Maintenance Dept. <br />Planner Dillerud reported on the data processing upgrade project to provide the Maintenance Department <br />with data processing capability. Most Public Works software includes mapping and other graphic <br />components. The hardware should have sufficient processing capacity for such applications. The complete <br />hardware/basic software package to meet the Public works Department long-term needs would be <br />approximately $2,800. <br />Council members Armstrong and DeLapp wanted further justification because the request is for a machine <br />that basically will be used for record keeping. Training will be required to be able to run the applications. <br />The proposal is meant for a person who can work on it 40 hrs. a week. They asked who would put the data <br />in. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 1, 1999 1 <br />