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3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the June 16, 1999 Claims, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Resolution Canvassing results of the June 15 Special Consolidation Referendum Election <br />The Lake Elmo City Council must meet within two days of a City Election to certify the results of the <br />election. The Council declared approval of the Special Ballot Question "Should the Town of Baytown and <br />the City of Lake Elmo be combined into one city to be named Lake Elmo, effective July 1, 1999 in <br />accordance with the "Plan for Consolidation and Implementation" dated February 1 and February 2, 1999), <br />amended March 1, March 2, 1999 and May 3, May 4, 1999), and approved by the Baytown Town Board of <br />Supervisors and the Lake Elmo City Council?", passed by a majority vote of the registered voters of the <br />City. <br />The following are the results of the Special Election as they appear on the face of the election returns. <br />NO votes for <br />PRECINCT 1 <br />75 <br />PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 3 <br />TOTAL <br />LE/Baytown <br />32 6 <br />113 <br />Consolidation <br />YES votes for <br />156 <br />267 7 <br />LE/Baytown <br />430 <br />Consolidation <br />TOTAL Number of <br />Voters in Snecinl > rP + <br />ane <br />TOTAL Number of Registered Voters in Lake Elmo: 3,928 <br />Of the 605 votes cast in Baytown, 431 voted against consolidating and 174 voted in favor of joining Lake <br />Elmo. <br />Council member DeLapp commented that the City of Lake Elmo entered into discussion about <br />consolidation at the request of Baytown. We tried to be fair about all the aspects. The city came through <br />with support and left the final decision to the Baytown voters to decide if the consolidation was in their best <br />interest. The Council wished Baytown well in their efforts to remain a rural community. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to adopt Resolution No. 99-35, A Resolution Canvassing the Returns of the <br />June 15, 1999 Special Consolidation Referendum Election. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Inquiry on deserted house at 8961 37`h Street <br />Dave DuFresne, 8968 N. 36'h St., stated the abandon house at 8961 37`" Street has become an eyesore. <br />There has been no maintenance done on the house for 15 years and the grass is uncut until a neighbor <br />complains to the City. In the past the owners had dogs running, one dozen cats left in the house, and now <br />rats are on the property. He received a letter from Washington County who stated they do not have any <br />authority to do anything to this property. <br />The Council referred Mr. DuFresne's inquiry to the staff for review and asked them to come back to the <br />Council within a month. <br />City Engineer Tom Prew will look into replacing Dave DuFresne's property line stake that was taken out <br />when Jamaca Avenue was reconstructed. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1999 <br />