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06-16-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-16-99 CCM
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6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Resolution Approving Agreement for Landscape Development along TH5. <br />The City is proposing a Landscape Partnership Agreement with Mn/DOT for Highway 5 (an extension of <br />the project started last year.) The Council received a copy of the agreement and a resolution for their <br />review. The Council asked that the planting date be published. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No. 99-36, A Resolution permitting the City to enter into <br />Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78795 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation which will <br />provide for payment by Mn/DOT to the City of Mn/DOT's share of the costs of the landscape construction <br />to be performed along TH5 from Jamaca Avenue to 1000 feet west, all within the corporate City limits, <br />under State Project No. 8214-969B. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Final Payment on Cracksealing <br />In his June 10°i letter, Tom Prew reported that the contractor, Northwest Asphalt, is complete with the <br />crack sealing project and recommends approval of the final payment in the amount of $43,349.04. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the final payment to Northwest Asphalt for the 1999 Crack Seal <br />project in the amount of $43,349.04. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Lake Elmo Airport Groundwater Contamination — Review of Informational Meeting <br />In his June 10' letter, Tom Prew reported he attended the May 181s public informational meeting on the <br />ground water contamination around the Lake Elmo Airport where the purpose of the meeting was to <br />discuss the feasibility report for the area and the plan to provide safe drinking water for area residents. It <br />was discussed that the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) was deemed to be the responsible party, <br />although no direct physical connection has been proven. MAC is proposed to install and maintain a carbon <br />filter system in each home that has tested over the limit for certain chemicals. Those properties that have <br />chemicals in their water, but are under the limit would not be given these filters. <br />There was no discussion about providing a public water supply for the affected homes because it was felt <br />the homeowners were too spread out for it to be a cost-effective solution. There is no plan for clean up of <br />the site, other than dissipation over time. The existing plume of chemicals does extend into Lake Elmo, <br />although no wells are affected. <br />Tom Prew will continue to monitor this item and update the Council. <br />8. PLANNING LAND USE &c ZONING: <br />A. Public Facilities Ordinance <br />City Planner Dillerud reported on May 4, the Council discussed the Planning Commission <br />recommendations for amendment to the PF section of the Zoning Ordinance, and directed staff to revisit the <br />amendment based on commentary of individual Council members at that meeting. Following that meeting, <br />the Administrator, City Attorney and City Planner met several times, including one meeting with attorney's <br />representing church organizations. In his June 7 thfollow-up letter of the May 26°i meeting to the City <br />Planner, Attorney Beck indicated their primary concerns are that the the <br />ordinance allows new churches to <br />be built in Lake Elmo in an appropriate manner and allow existing churches to expand in a reasonable way. <br />Council member Armstrong appreciated all the work the staff and the time the Planning Commission has <br />spent to come to a conclusion. She came into this situation at a late date, but felt this discussion has gone <br />on too long. She offered the following ideas: Parks remain in the P zone; consider allowing all public <br />facilities to go into all the zones; recommend allowing public type facilities to go into residential areas <br />according to the same regulations as in the OP ordinance, keeping buffers, green space open; suggest each <br />have a CUP so the City can place standards; existing uses, wherever they are, should be allowed to be <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 16, 1999 <br />
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