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08-03-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-03-99 CCM
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5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. "Residential Parking Only" signs on 34"' Street <br />Administrator Kueffner reported a letter was sent to the residents on 34`' Street following the July 6a' <br />Council meeting. Since there was no opposition from adjacent property owners to the placement of the <br />"Residential Parking Only" signs, the Administrator recommended that the Maintenance staff be directed to <br />order and install the signs. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to direct the Maintenance Department to order and install the necessary <br />amount of "Residential Parking Only" signs for 34`h Street (west of Lake Elmo Avenue). (Motion passed <br />3-0). <br />B. Building Official's Request to attend Annual Conference in St. Louis, September 11-17, 1999 <br />Jim McNamara requested approval of his attendance at the Building Official's Annual Conference in St. <br />Louis, MO, September 11-17, 1999. The estimated cost of the conference is $1,400, which includes air, <br />hotel and registration. There is money in the Building Department's budget to cover this conference. <br />Arrangements have been made with Jim Arends, a certified building official, to cover for him while he is <br />gone. <br />Council members Dunn and Armstrong voiced their concern this is a busy time for us. When he is gone for <br />a week, the City doesn't have the continuity for approving building permits. Mr. McNamara has already <br />attended a conference in Los Angeles this year, and they encourage attendance at a conference held more <br />locally. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to approve Jim McNamara's attendance at the Building Official's Annual <br />Conference in St. Louis, MO from September 11-17, 1999 at a cost of $1,400.00. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to consider the July 20, 1999 City Council mnmtes. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />2. MINUTES: July 20, 1999 <br />In regard to the Agenda Item, Steve Johnson's request for a Site Plan to move/renovate storage buildings, <br />Council member Armstrong pointed out she thought she was voting for a motion to direct the staff to <br />proceed with the Comprehensive Plan, which would include the review on how the Johnson concept fits <br />into the Plan. The Council decided they should not have taken formal action. It should have been a straw <br />poll, because what was before them was not a true concept plan. The staff will inform Steve Johnson that <br />this item will be back on the August 17 Council agenda. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to postpone consideration of the July 20, 1999 City Council minutes until the <br />August 17 Council meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Site Plan —Heart of American (Restaurant and Hotel) <br />Administrator Kueffner reported that she arranged a trip, which was approved by the City Attorney, for <br />Council members Dunn and DeLapp to fly with Heart of American to Peewauke, WI to view an identical <br />site that is being proposed for Lake Elmo. <br />Kirk Whalen explained Heart of American is a family owned company started 21 years ago in Davenport, <br />IA and now has six Machine Shed restaurants and seven motels. Wildwood Lodge is geared to be a <br />hospitality amenity for the Business Park, with mostly suites, at an average daily rate $100-110 marketed <br />specifically to the business class. The Machine Shed restaurant seats over 500. This will be the first time <br />for them to add a proposed 6,500 sq.ft. farm museum. The site plan shows the restaurant and hotel are <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1999 2 <br />
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