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stated we have already set a service area up for the tax abatement process for potential funding for our own <br />water system. <br />2. Tom Prew responded he is in agreement with their compliance with storm water and erosion control. <br />3. The signage is in compliance with the approved Eagle Point Business Park Master Sign Plan. Attorney <br />Filla suggested a separate PUD for this area would work better. The original PUD covered roads, <br />landscaping and grading. When the City Planner comes back from vacation, staff should sit down with <br />developer and go over the agreements. There are underlying restrictions that prospective purchasers <br />need to be aware of. <br />4. In compliance with the exterior surfacing requirement and finding cultured stone an acceptable <br />equivalent to Code specified materials. <br />5. Covered <br />6. Covered <br />7. Applicant understood no building permit should be issued for any construction on the site prior to <br />satisfaction of all approval conditions, and recording of the PUD agreement and Final Plat of Eagle <br />Point Business Park. <br />8. Compliance with PUD lighting plan: DeLapp: The issue is whether the light source itself is the <br />attraction or the thing being lit is the attraction. Our common commercial code is not unique to LE. <br />Armstrong asked they bring the shadow down to be consistent with lighting requirements for <br />residential. Whalen: they have added an aluminum cone covering the clear bulb shielding the light <br />down. DeLapp: By having the light not at the higher level as the code allows will make an enormous <br />difference both to the patrons and for the surrounding residences. Whalen: Wildwood Lodge sign has <br />individual cabinets, a translucent panel, so only the letter will glow. George Burkards stated United <br />Properties had studied the lighting concept and will abide by the ordinance. They are still wrestling <br />with style, design and color. <br />Lot configuration is an administrative issue. Attorney Filla pointed out the developer will have to decide if <br />there are one or two parcels. He pointed out Condition #7 that no building permit should be issue for any <br />construction on the site prior to satisfaction of all approval conditions, and recording of the PUD agreement <br />and Final Plat of Eagle Point Business Park. Staff will work on lot configuration. <br />George Burkards responded we often do a fast track.... get a permit for foundation and parking lot this Fall. <br />Issuing a building permit tied to a final plat may be restrictive. According to Attorney Filla there could <br />potentially be another set of standards for south of Hudson Blvd, and we would have a PUD A & B to <br />address each. <br />Council member DeLapp stated that the City would follow its current procedures for reviewing building <br />plans and issuing permits. He said the developer would not make this decision. <br />Wildwood Lodge: Kirk Whalen explained commercial vinyl lapboard is used for maintenance, stays fresh <br />and clean. Use cultured stone, black asphalt and black shutters. Look of this building matches the <br />restaurant. This is the look that business traveler's like and follows the warmth into the lobby. <br />Council member DeLapp stated we are not talking vinyl siding. He wants more brick on this building. <br />Armstrong felt the hotel should match the restaurant, which would require 85% brick and 15% wood <br />siding: The consensus of the Council was to require 85% brick (Simulated stone) and 15% lap siding. Kirk <br />Whalen responded this is an $8 million project 15% lap siding may not work on this building. If we have to <br />add more stone, we might have to reduce funds for inside of building. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow — to approve the Site Plan for a restaurant/hotel on the southwesterly 6.5 acres of <br />Eagle Point Business Park, subject to conditions of the July 22, 1999 Staff Report, as amended by the July <br />26, 1999 Planning Commission Minutes, and amended conditions at the August 3rd Council meeting. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to direct staff to work with applicant, Heart of America, and developer, United <br />Properties, to determine if one or more PUDs are necessary in order to implement construction and co- <br />ordinate with any platting of property. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1999 4 <br />