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08-03-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-03-99 CCM
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M/S/F DeLapp/Siedow - to adopt Ordinance No. 9750 amending Section 300 of the Lake Elmo City Code <br />regarding density bonuses for Open Space Preservation Project. (Motion failed 2-3:Hunt, DeLapp, <br />Siedow) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to expedite our efforts toward perfecting the Open Space ordinance by addressing <br />signage at front of development, define acceptable trails, roads, density, Village Greens, lot size. The <br />staffs #1 priority is completion of the comp plan. How doe this affect the comp plan. No timetable given <br />for completion. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Comprehensive Plan Amendment— Stillwater Investment <br />Administrator Kueffner stated the City is in the process of developing its comp plan for the next 40 years. <br />She asked the council to postpone consideration until she can talk to the property owner about options and <br />to work on enhancing the findings in the resolution. <br />Council member Dunn asked John Arkel, developer, to provide names and addresses of the people involved <br />in Stillwater Investment. When she called the Stillwater Investment telephone number stated on the <br />application, the call is answered by Carriage Homes. Mr. Arkel agreed to submit the names and asked the <br />Council to vote on this item <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to postpone consideration of the resolution denying the application by Stillwater <br />Investment to amend the Comp Plan for 90 acres of the Northeast Annexed Area until the August 17 <br />meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />E. Memo from City Administrator re:memo from John Hanson, Engineer for VBWD, as it relates to <br />the CENEX project <br />Mr. Hanson has suggested that we relax the parking requirements, thereby, relaxing the amount of <br />impervious surface coverage at this site. His concern is that this area drains to Downs Lake, which has <br />flooded in the past because it has no outlet. Mr. Hanson pointed out that the VBWD just reviewed an <br />identical project in Mahtomedi, and there were only 13 parking spaces required. <br />The Council indicated they had no problem with not paving the entire parking area, unless or until it is <br />needed, because Downs Lake is an environmentally sensitive area. If the Planning Commission has any <br />questions, they can call the Council. Council member DeLapp did not want parking on the gravel when <br />they are required to park on the blacktop. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Council member Dunn asked for a recycling update and for the City Attorney to provide a revised <br />agreement for U.S. West to construct a wireless facility to the Lake Elmo water tower to assist in serving <br />Lake Elmo and the surrounding area. <br />Council member DeLapp provided the Council with an article entitled, Watershed Cooperatives and Green <br />Infrastructure by Robert D. Sykes -Landscape Architect at Univ. of MN, Tom Fisher, Paul Jacobs, and Jon <br />Erik Kingstad indicating a new way to deal with surface water runoff. <br />11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />Surface Water Runoff Plan: <br />Tom Prew will provide an update on the Surface Water Runoff Plan at the August 17`" Council meeting. <br />The Village Commission and Planning Commission may have concerns on the Valley Branch Projects or <br />other issues related. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1999 <br />
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