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09-07-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-07-99 CCM
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M/S/ Siedow/Armstrong - to affirm the Planning Commission decisions regarding the variances. <br />M/S/F DeLapp/Hunt — to amend the motion to include, "with the exception of column support for <br />monument side by the road be located within footprint of the sign". (Motion Failed 2-2:Siedow, <br />Armstrong). <br />M/S/F Siedow/Armstrong — to affirm the Planing Commission decisions regarding variances to Farmer's <br />Union Co -Op Oil. (Motion failed 2-2:DeLapp, Hunt.) <br />Since there was no motion approving the action taken by the Planning Commission, the decision by the <br />Planning Commission stands. <br />B. Twin Point Tavern Site Plan <br />At its August 23, 1999 meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted a motion recommending <br />approval of this site plan for the construction of two small additions (total 1000 square feet) to this structure <br />at the southeast corner of Laverne Avenue and State Highway 5. The site plan also proposes improvements <br />to the site parking, circulation and landscaping. Prior to the Commission recommending approval of the <br />site plan, it conducted a Public Hearing and adopted a resolution for approval of two structure setback <br />variances from GB standards (from 50 feet to 42 feet in both cases) based on findings required by the <br />Zoning Ordinance. <br />The Village Commission had reviewed the Twin Point proposal and offered the Planning Commission its <br />endorsement of the proposed Twin Point Site Plan (including the variances) as to consistency with the Old <br />Village Plan and draft design standards. The Council commended, Dennis LaCroix, for being co-operative <br />in complying with the design plan of the Village Commission. <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp - to approve the site plan for additions and site improvements to the Twin Point <br />Tavern and Liquor Store based on Planning Commission approval of setback variances, and <br />recommendation for approval of the Site Plan. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Homestead Minor Subdivision <br />At its meeting of August 23, 1999, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this <br />application to combine three existing platted lots of approximately .75 acres each, and redivide the resulting <br />parcel into two lots of slightly over 1 acre each. A condition of the recommendation is provision by the <br />landowner of new written drainage and utility easements along the revised common property line, and <br />appropriate vacation of the existing platted easements along the property lines that will cease to exist. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution No. 99-53 —A resolution approving the Minor Subdivision <br />of Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 1, The Homestead, as recommended by the Planning Commission. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />D. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of r-o-w for 25°i Street and Lisbon Avenue <br />This is a public hearing to consider a petition for right-of-way vacation for 25°i Street and Lisbon Avenue. <br />Notice was published in the Stillwater Gazette and affected property owners were notified by U.S. Mail as <br />required by State Statute. <br />This issue was before the Council in 1996, and the action of the Council was to deny the petition to vacate <br />the easements for 25`h Street and Lisbon Avenue. When the cluster ordinance is completed the City will <br />notify the residents and revisit the conditions (Parcel A had linked to Parcel B for development.) if it is <br />appropriate to proceed under those conditions with a vacation of any of the easements. <br />A map showing the undeveloped rights -of -way petitioned for vacation was provided. It also shows the <br />undeveloped land between Heritage Fanns and Eden Park. Tim Mandel, petitioner, read an analysis as to <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 7. 1999 <br />
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