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09-07-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-07-99 CCM
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why this vacation should be granted. The two property owners of the undeveloped land have not signed the <br />petition. <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out that the State Statute 412.851 guides' street vacations. That statute <br />states "No such vacation shall be made unless it appears in the interest of the public to do so after a hearing <br />preceded by two weeks published and posted notice. By the end of 1999, the City will complete the <br />Comprehensive Plan. The future land use guide for the undeveloped Henning/Johnson parcel should be <br />reviewed during this process. After a land use guide is determined, a comprehensive street plan will be <br />made part of the overall Comprehensive Plan <br />Mayor Hunt opened up the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. <br />Gary Johnson, 13696 N. 30`s St. Cir, Stillwater, opposed vacating Lisbon until there are development plans <br />for this property. He didn't know if he would ever develop his property. If he clustered, he would want the <br />open space along Manning Avenue. He had to dedicate 30' to the City 5 years ago and asked what are the <br />implications if 25th Street is vacated. Attorney Filla responded if vacated, 30' could be added to adjoining <br />property owners. <br />Scott McDonald, Attorney representing Dorothy Augustine, 2490 Manning Avenue, asked the City not to <br />take any action until some development plans are submitted. <br />Dan Meyer, 2389 Legion Lane N., has lived here for 18 months and likes the heavily wooded area blocking <br />off the traffic. Does not want a through street. If the city vacated the r-o-w now, it would force the <br />developer to create a development accordingly. <br />Garold Felland, 2377 Legion Lane N., has lived 7 years in the Eden Park development, doesn't want a road <br />behind him, nor traffic increased because he likes the rural setting. <br />Becky Martinez, 2470 Lisbon Avenue N., supported the vacation because she is totally boxed in by three <br />easements and a road. Mr. Martinez asked how is it serving a public purpose to put an alley behind nine <br />houses. This will devalue the property considerably. It is a public detriment to the existing development <br />by leaving these easements and asked to set time limits for development. <br />Jim Egan, 2410 Lisbon Avenue N., stated if the street went through it would be a detriment to his driveway. <br />The existence of 25°i Street is an alley and would not be in favor of making it a street. <br />Gay VanPelt, 2461 Lisbon Avenue N., provided a picture of the cul-de-sac showing how close the <br />driveways are to each other. Concerned about the area has hill and winding roads leaving blind spots. <br />Safety concern with impact of more traffic on biking, rollerblading, and children playing <br />Tim Mandel, 2479 Lisbon Avenue N., stated residents want to improve their property, but found because of <br />the easements the loan value is not as high as estimated. He could not get a loan from the bank because the <br />three easements around his property had devalued his property. If the easements were removed, the <br />property values would stay high. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to direct the staff to prepare a resolution stating that vacating south 30' <br />westerly of 25`t' Street serves no public good. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp —to direct the staff to call a public hearing for vacation of the unimproved rights -of - <br />way of Lisbon Avenue and the westerly section.of 25'h Street. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />The Council will walk the area and asked that elevation maps, map of the Augustine property, and input <br />from Parks and Planning Commission to convince the city there is access to the Augustine and Johnson' <br />properties. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 4 <br />
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