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M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow- to postpone consideration of the public hearing as it relates to the portion of 25"' <br />Street East of Lisbon Avenue until the first meeting in November. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Hunt received the following: Invitation from Lake Elmo Bank to 3`d Annual Lake Elmo Community <br />Day, September 25"', 8-Noon, Notice from the MN -WI Boundary Area Commission, St. Croix River Expo: <br />Encouraging Stewardship, September 18"' <br />Council member Armstrong reported taxes for 622 School District increased 10% and reminded voters of <br />School Board Election on November 2" ". <br />Council member DeLapp submitted to the City Planner the 1999 Digest of Examples, Ideas, and Resources <br />on Smart Growth Sustainability. <br />11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />Meeting for Aviation Policy, October 14', 7 p.m., Oakland Jr. H.S <br />12. NEW BUSINESS: <br />13. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. School Speed Zone Study for Lake Elmo Elementary School on CSAH17 <br />On February 2, 1999, the Council adopted a resolution requesting Mn/DOT to do a speed study on <br />Highway 5, between Klondike and Lake Elmo Avenue (CSAH17). Concurrent with the City's request was <br />one from the school asking for a school speed zone on CSA1117. <br />The City received a letter and school speed zone study for the Lake Elmo Elementary School from Wayne <br />Sandberg, Washington County Traffic Engineer. A decision was made to deny a school speed zone in this <br />area based on a number of factors stated in this letter. <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out no covered in this letter was a discussion on the flashing beacon that <br />the City settled for a few years back when our request for a semaphore was denied for lack of meeting <br />Mn/DOT's warrants. The City shares the cost of this flashing beacon with the school district and Mn/DOT <br />provided and installed the used light. Jolene Servatius, Mn/DOT, said that this beacon is nearing its useful <br />life and that Mn/DOT would not replace it when it goes out. She suggested that the light be controlled <br />form the school so that it only flashes during school hours. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Siedow — direct the City Administrator to send a letter to Washington County Commissioner, <br />Bill Pulkrabek, indicating the School Speed Zone Study for Lake Elmo Elementary School is totally <br />unacceptable, that we need to appeal the decision and request further consideration for a school zone. This <br />item can be attached to a Village Commission agenda for its input. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Letter from VBWD regarding Sunnybrook Lake Flooding Problems <br />The Council received a letter from the VB WD regarding a study of three flood -control alternatives for the <br />Sunnybrook Lake Community. Administrator Kueffner has requested a copy of this report so that the City <br />can see all three options that were considered. A copy will be sent to the Tom Prew and the Council for <br />their comments. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 <br />