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1. Terry Needham 2970 Jamley <br />2. Deral Mosbey 11040 20" St. <br />3. James Cerney 3655 Ideal Ave <br />4. John Heroff 10925 33rd St. Lane <br />5. Cynthia Cerney 3655 Ideal Ave <br />6. Brian Benesch 9377 Jane Ct. <br />7. David Nelson 1757 Ivory Ave <br />8. Edmond Nielsen 9498 Stillwater Blvd. <br />ALTERNATES: <br />9. Michael Reinhardt 4690 Lake Elmo Ave, <br />10. David Erickson 3432 Isle Ct. N. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Parks Commission Application <br />The City received a Parks Commission application from John Heroff, 10925 33`d St. Lane, who was in <br />attendance to answer any questions <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong —to appoint John Heroff, 10925 33`d St. Lane, as First Alternate to the Lake <br />Elmo Parks Commission. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />The Council reminded the public that buckthorn removal will take place in Kleis Park on Saturday, October <br />23°'. 9-12 <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution ordering plans and specs for section 33 water system improvements <br />Administrator Kueffner provided the Council with a draft Resolution calling a public hearing for November <br />9, 1999 for water system improvements in Section 33. The Council asked for postponement until they <br />could receive the cost of the project and decide how this project would be financed. <br />MIS/P Armstrong/DeLapp - to postpone consideration of Resolution until the November 2" d Council <br />meeting when costs will be provided. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Resolution ordering feasibility study for O1dVillage water system improvements — Deleted <br />C. 50"' Street Petition <br />Tom Prow reported the MSA construction balance is zero because of finishing 30d' St., but there are ways <br />to secure funds. The MSA standards are 24' wide street and 4' paved shoulders. The City can vary to a 22' <br />paved road if we get a variance. Vice -Mayor Dunn asked Prew to look into what money is available and <br />the scenic road designation. The City may not have to overlay the entire road, but just where the residents <br />live along 50"' St.. <br />John Carr, who submitted a petition signed by residents along 50`h and in "The Fields" lends their support <br />to the project, indicated only four residents along 50"' Street didn't sign the petition. Mr. Carr stated the <br />residents wanted a road that would not tear the bottoms off their car. He added that nobody seemed <br />concerned about speeds being a problem, because, now, cars and busses are travelling 55 mph on the gravel <br />road. Only problem more kids will use the road as a cut through to Stillwater High School. <br />Tim Freeman, representing Engstrom and Zintl, asked that the escrowed money for the road from these <br />developments, pay for a 2" overlay on the existing gravel road. Administrator Kueffner pointed out the City <br />requires a 9-ton standard road and an overlay on an existing gravel road would not qualify and require a <br />variance. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 19, 1999 2 <br />