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Attorney Filla explained the City anticipated a City standard street would be constructed and that is how the <br />assessments were calculated. If the City builds a lesser road, they cannot go back to assess. This was <br />placed in the Developer's Contract for restrictive purposes. <br />Tom Prew will bring back options to the November 2"d meeting on how to proceed with the construction of <br />50d' Street in 2000. Mr. Carr will be notified of the meeting. <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Report to Council: Johnson Storage Building Project <br />Attorney Filla recommended steps in the review of the Johnson proposal and suggested that all of those <br />steps could be accomplished concurrently at the City Council level. Those concurrent actions would be <br />determination of non-conforning use status, non -conforming use substitution determination, Site Plan, and <br />after -the -fact Minor Subdivision. <br />Vice -Mayor Dunn voiced her concern on the safety, liability issues when sparks from the trains cause fires <br />and there is fiber optic cable that was recently placed in the right-of-way. The City needs a paper trail and <br />the application process sequence needs to be followed. <br />B. Meyer's Pine Ridge OP Development Stage Plan, Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit <br />At its October 13, 1999 meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval regarding <br />the three review stages required and applied for this proposal to plat a site of 40 acres into 21 new single <br />family detached building lots and 1 existing single family homestead. Issues raised at the meeting related <br />to impacts the plan could have on surrounding properties and the environment. The Commission believes <br />that most of those impacts are addressed by the plan to the degree possible and reasonable. <br />George Dege 5193 Keats Avenue, stated this land has been farmed in the past and in the springtime there is <br />2-3 acres of runoff. What are the plans for ponding in the plat? He asked for additional landscaping near the <br />entrance of the development. <br />Tim Freeman, Terry Emerson's representative, reported the plat definitely has 50% open space and the <br />village green has been enlarged to under an acre. There is screening from existing homes and the water <br />runoff has been taken care of. In the drainage report, which has been approved by the City Engineer, <br />shows ponding area. There is no water running down the curbs and into the ditches on Keats Ave. The <br />Valley Branch Watershed District has strict requirements for erosion control. The Ordinance requires 1.5- <br />hich caliper trees to be planted. Mr. Emerson will be bringing in mature trees from another site. Planner <br />Dillerud reminded the Council that the trees are bonded. <br />Council member DeLapp felt that the village green did not meet the intent of the code and would not be <br />used as a gathering place. Houses need to be surrounding the green. A cul-de-sac cannot be considered a <br />village green, and he is not prepared to give an extra unit for what is shown. Mr. Freeman responded that <br />by listening to the land dictated the placement of the village green. They enhanced it as a focal point of the <br />trail system, begin and end at the village green, and wanted to keep the mature oa� trees. <br />Planner Dillerud stated, based on tonight's discussion, everyone has a different definition of a village <br />green. The definition of a village green needs to be clarified at an OP workshop. Council members Dunn <br />and Armstrong has consistently brought up getting rid of bonuses in the OP ordinance. The City is not <br />obligated to give bonuses, village green is not defined well in ordinance and up to interpretation of person <br />doing development. Armstrong did like the large lots proposed in this development and individual septic . <br />systems on all lots. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution No. 99-70, A Resolution Approving the Development <br />Stage Plan for Meyer's Pineridge. (Motion passed 3-1: DeLapp: what is proposed is not a village green, <br />this a cul-de-sac turnaround.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 19, 1999 3 <br />