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7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: (Moved after Agenda Item 8) <br />A. Resolution Ordering Plans and Specs for Section 33 Water System Improvements <br />B. Review of Water Rate System Study <br />C. 501h Street Pavement <br />Tom Prew reviewed the costs to simply pave 50`h Street with a three-inch lift of bituminous over four <br />additional inches of gravel creating a 22' wide street with gravel shoulders. To pave the entire length of <br />roadway would cost about $160,000.00. It is proposed to finance this through our State -aid maintenance <br />account. The City has already collected from developers along 50`h Street $23,384 which is to be applied to <br />this project. We have the options of assessing the remaining properties along the street which would be <br />about$23,000, <br />Council member De -Lapp did not like the idea of outsiders using the road for a bypass and had a concern <br />about increased speed because the road is straight and asked the City Engineer for assurance that drivers <br />would stay at 45mph. Drivers are already doing 55 mph on a washboard road. Curves in the road would <br />control speed. <br />Eric Hawkins, Fields of St. Croix resident, finds cars going thru his neighborhood to miss the dirt road. <br />Tim Freeman, representing developers Bob Engstrom and Will Zintl, gave support to an overlay <br />bituminous surface. <br />Rebecca Tenpas stated that the majority of 50"' Street residents want to keep the gravel road. There are a <br />number of children that live there and concerned about their safety. To her a dirt road is part of the Lake <br />Elmo rural aspect. They would support anything that slows, calms or can diminish traffic. <br />Jean Madrinich stated the speed limit is too fast, and the road is used as a straight shot to Stillwater High <br />School. She asked about the assessment policy. Administrator Kueffner explained the City's assessment <br />policy and added that the policy is not to encourage development to pay off assessment. <br />The Council discussed a 22' wide road overlay from Hwy 5 to Tana Ridge, measures recommended for <br />traffic calming so not to have state put 55mph speed limits, but to post 45mph instead, and paving the entire <br />stretch. Administrator Kueffner stated the City would contact Deputies to do a concentrated effort to <br />enforce the speed limit. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to adopt Resolution No. 99-82, as amended, to include review options for traffic <br />calming with option to pave entire or part of the street. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />MSP Armstrong/Dunn — to direct the City Engineer to request 25% of our total State -aid maintenance <br />allotment or about $50,000 annually. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Stephen Johnson: Non -conforming use substitution <br />Minor Subdivision, Site and Plan Review <br />Planner Dillerud reported the existing storage is a legal non-confonning use and the existing structure has <br />been continually used for storage for years. At its meeting of November 8, 1999, the Planning Commission <br />included its recommendation to find the existing storage a legal non -conforming use of the site; and, that <br />the substitution of non -conforming use proposed to be no more detrimental to its neighborhood and <br />surroundings than is the use it is to replace. <br />Mayor Hunt opened up the public hearing at 7:58 p.m. in the Council chambers <br />There was no one to speak for or against the non -conforming use substitution. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1999 2 <br />