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2. MINUTES: October 19, 1999 <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to approve the October 19, 1999 City Council Minutes, as amended. (Motion <br />passed 3-0-lAbstain: Mayor Hunt) <br />3. CLAIMS (Question on monies city received for St. Croix Animal Shelter) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to approve the November 2, 1999 Claims, as presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIESANFORMATIONAL: <br />A. PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br />Gay VanPelt, 2461 Lisbon Avenue N, concerned that the request for vacation of 25°1 Street and Lisbon <br />Avenue N. easement will be lost and asked what the schedule is for continuation of this item. Tim Mandel, <br />2479 Lisbon Avenue, indicated he handed out letter to City Administrator, March 1, 1999, with his petition <br />for vacation that was placed on the September agenda, thought it would be continued on November agenda. <br />Administrator Kueffner responded she would get a recommendation for the November 16`" meeting. <br />B. Congratulations to Katie Wemeier, winner of Lake Elmo Human Rights Commission Logo <br />Design Contest <br />The Council and the members of the LEHRC recognized Katie Wemeier, winner of the LEHRC logo <br />design contest, with a certificate of achievement and a $50 bond. The LEHRC is committed to teaching <br />diversity and promoting an atmosphere of harmony, respect and equal rights among all people regardless of <br />color, religion, age, gender or disability. Students who participated in this contest were asked to focus on <br />this mission as they created their logo design. The Commission extended its appreciation to all those <br />students from Ms. Davis 1998-99 6 grade class at Lake Elmo Elementary School who submitted their <br />creative designs. <br />C. Y2 Report: Cynthia Young <br />Cynthia Young, Year 2000 Project Coordinator, provided the Council with a report arranged by department <br />that includes an inventory of each system, the risk classification and contingency Plan. The Washington <br />County emergency plan was handed out at the meeting. The 2000 representatives from Fire Dept, Brad <br />Winkel, gave a brief description of the command center, and Maintenance Supvr, Dan Olinger reported on <br />contingency plan for water system. <br />Council member Armstrong asked that the City get financial statements on paper and backups. The <br />Rollover Plan will be noted in the November/December newsletter. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong - to accept the Year 2000 Project Report presented and thanked Cynthia Young, <br />Brad Winkel, Dan Olinger for their efforts to organize the report.(Motion passed 4-0.) <br />D. Lake Elmo Geography Fair scheduled for November 181" <br />Lake Elmo Elementary School has invited the City to participate in their School Geography Fall schedule <br />for November 18`" from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cynthia Young has suggested the City spread the word about <br />our Y2K efforts. Other suggestions were information on recycling and new voting machines. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to approve the City participate in the Lake Elmo Elementary Geography Fair <br />on November IS". (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />E. Letter from Minnesota Soil and Water Conservation "Outstanding Conservationist Luncheon. <br />Mayor Hunt will attend the award luncheon to receive our award on Tuesday, December 6, 1999 at the <br />Duluth Entertainment Center. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 2, 1999 2 <br />