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5. CONSENT GENDA <br />A. Request by Stillwater Investment for Extension <br />Stillwater Investment has requested another 30-day extension for consideration of their application for a <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning. Administrator Kueffaer will ask Stillwater Investment to <br />follow up their verbal request with a letter. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong - Based on the verbal request from Stillwater Investment, with a follow up <br />written request, to postpone for 30 days their application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and <br />Rezoning. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />6. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. MAC Recommendation on Front-end load: Dan Olinger <br />Dan Olinger reported MAC reviewed the request from the Maintenance Dept. for the purchase of a Front - <br />End loader to replace the existing 1986 unit. A motion was made to purchase the Case model 721 C Wheel <br />Loader per the State of Minnesota specifications at a price of $118,894.00 plus tax to replace our 15 yr. old <br />existing unit and include an additional $2,160.00 for the purchase of lights, radio and lettering of the unit, <br />less the trade of our old unit at a price of $18,000 or sold out right whichever is greater. <br />Another motion was made recommending the purchase of the new Case 721C be financed through the <br />Municipal Lease program for the 5 or 6 year plan proposed, which ever appears most beneficial per our <br />finance director. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — based on the support of the MAC, Administration, to use financing recommended <br />by the Finance Director for purchase of new Case model 721 C front end loader and authorize the <br />Maintenance Supervisor make reasonable effort to get price for existing equipment, prior to trade-in if <br />possible. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />B. Fence for Tablyn Park Retaining Wall <br />Mike Bouthilet reported in his November 2"a memo that the new retaining wall in Tablyn Park is complete. <br />A fence must be installed to prevent falling which is a mandatory safety installation. Originally, he had <br />planned to do the installation himself and only budgeted for materials. Once the wall was complete, it <br />became apparent that a fencing professional should do this installation. Using the low quote puts this <br />$4000 CIP expenditure $160 over budget. It is his recommendation that an additional $160 be taken out of <br />the Parks CIP to have First Quality Fence do this installation as soon as possible. A temporary construction <br />fence is in place. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Siedow — to award the job of installation of fence in Tablyn Park to First Quality Fence <br />in the amount of $950 based on the recommendation of the Parks Supervisor. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: (Continued to November 16, 1999 Council meeting). <br />A. Resolution Ordering Plans and Specs for Section 33 Water System Improvements <br />B. Resolution Ordering Feasibility Study for Old Village Water System Improvements <br />C. 50'h Street Pavement <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Recommendation from Planing Commission on E&H Earthmovers/Trans City Investments <br />Concept Plan <br />At its October 17, 1999 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the denial of the application for <br />the proposed division of the existing 40 acre Trans City parcel, and; thereafter a Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment from RAD to C, rezoning from RR to GB; and, a PUD Concept Plan to accommodate the <br />offices/shop and outside storage of construction equipment for E&H Earthmovers. The PUD application is <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 2, 1999 3 <br />