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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />NOVEMBER 30, 1999 <br />Mayor Hunt called the workshop to order at 6:15 p.m. in the City Council chambers. PRESENT: Dunn, <br />DeLapp, Hunt, Armstrong, Siedow, City Planner Dillerud. Planning Commissioners: Mandel, Helwig, <br />Sessing, Armstrong. <br />1. Springbom Proposal for Two -Day Snowmobile Event <br />The Council received a descriptive packet outlining the items and events relative to the Snowcross event <br />the Springborns are proposing to host on February 26`h, 27`h at the Green Acres site from John Morales, <br />M.C. Promotions. The Lake Elmo Jaycees have been asked to run the food and beverage stands and the <br />Fire Department will assist where needed, and will receive 50% of the gate. <br />Administrator Kueffner asked for Council opinion. <br />Council member Dunn had no problem with the event and would be willing to try it on a one-time basis. <br />She compared this event to Lake Elmo holding a water ski event on Lake Jane, Huff Fluff Days, Lions <br />fishing contest on Lake Elmo, and didn't view this as any different. Lake Elmo has tried to assist property <br />owners of large tracts of land in the preservation of Ag lands. <br />Council member DeLapp didn't see the comparison with the other events and Springborn' has a <br />Conditional Use Permit. He would like to hear from the neighborhood if they have a problem. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired where will the cars be parked. She thought a snowmobile event, <br />although not specifically stated in the CUP, qualified as a Commercial Recreation of a Rural Nature. <br />Mayor Hunt had no problem with proposal and found a snowmobile event a reasonable use. A winter <br />activity could be considered an extension of Commercial Recreation of a Rural Nature. The City has said <br />they like to keep large tracts of land open. <br />The Council asked that the residents be notified that would be affected by this event and invited to the <br />December 7`h Council meeting. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to hold an informational meeting on December 71h Council meeting and invite <br />residents from the surrounding area to hear the proposal for the Springbom two-day snowmobile event. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />2. Discussion on (PF) Public Facilities Ordinance <br />Council direction to staff was to review zoning ordinance structure to develop a way by which at least some <br />of the uses now included in the PF zone could be allowed as Conditional Uses in some or all of the <br />residential zones. City Planner Dillerud explained one of the underlying premises of this CUP in multiple <br />zones approach to locating and regulating PF uses is that under the property physical circumstances, most <br />PF uses can co -exist with most residential uses. (See memo from Chuck Dillerud to Council on Zoning for <br />the Regulation of Public Facilities dated November 23, 1999). <br />PF type uses could be good neighbors to residential uses. Alternative Approach: <br />1. Control standards for the district <br />2. Conditioanl Use Permit required additional standards <br />3. Any other conditions on a case to case basis. <br />Dillerud pointed out major changes from Planning Commission approach. He can work with either way. <br />