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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1999 <br />Mayor Hunt called the Council meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Council chambers. PRESENT: <br />Siedow, Dunn, Hunt, Armstrong (arrived 5:45 p.m.), DeLapp, Administrator Kueffner, and City Planner <br />Dillerud <br />Mayor Hunt opened up the Public Hearing at 5:35 p.m. <br />Finance Director Marilyn Banister reported the proposed tax increase for the year 2000 is $50,865, a 4.08% <br />increase over 1999. The budget increase for the year 2000 is $34,943, a 1.81% increase over 1999. The <br />result is an actual decrease in Lake Elmo's local tax rate from 20.36% in 1999 to 18.69% for year 2000, an <br />8.9% decrease in local taxes if your evaluation didn't change. <br />Shares in total tax dollar <br />Lake Elmo 17% <br />Washington County 26 <br />School District #834 46 <br />Miscellaneous 11 <br />The Council asked that Peg Larsen, MN House Representative, be invited to a Council meeting to discuss <br />dealing with unfunded state mandates. If the County wants a Truth and Taxation hearing, then there should <br />be a line item for VBWD charges and not clumped into Miscellaneous. <br />Gloria Knoblauch stated, since she is on the Parks Commission, has an invested interest in knowing what <br />the plan is for future parks. Apparently, the City can get hold of land with no problem for a future park. <br />Do we need more parks? Are we going to have a recreation center, engage in summer and winter sports? <br />Polled the Council on its thinking for future parks. <br />Council member Siedow responded he lives next to a park and finds that it is never used. The City should <br />use the parks they have before we build more. If you have a recreational center, you have adult leagues <br />using the fields with the possibility of drinking and more traffic. <br />Council member Dunn stated we have a nice grouping of parks throughout the entire City. We need to <br />maintain our parks, and maintenance is expensive. We should not expand our parks. She is, totally, against <br />a big recreational center and, absolutely, no need for organized recreation ...we have VAA and OAA, etc. <br />and programs such as the Skyhawks. She has a problem with unfunded state mandates; such as the <br />reconstruction of bleachers <br />Mayor Hunt thought the City was all right with neighborhood parks. He agreed with Sue on recreational <br />programs. The Skyhawks program was a success. He would wait to hear what happens from the Parks and <br />Village Commission discussions on the recreational complex before he makes a decision. <br />Council member Armstrong thought the City was heavy on parks for a very long time. The City has the <br />Regional Park, which we can all use. It takes money for maintenance. The crew has plenty to do right now <br />She does not see any reasons for more parks. <br />Council member DeLapp was surprised to hear Chuck Siedow say the parks are used so little. No one is <br />ever using Pebble Park that he sees. He keeps hearing that our parks are being used, so he thought they <br />meant the parks downtown. We are going to double in population in 40 years unless we make radical <br />changes in the City. He prefers, instead of having haphazard ballfrelds that are within 4-5 miles of each <br />other, have less of them scattered and 2 or 3 together where the maintenance dept. can keep track of them <br />He hoped Stonegate is being used because we spent $100,000. If Skyhawks want to come in with a <br />program for the residents of Lake Elmo would be fine, but not for Stillwater or Mahtomedi. <br />Administrator Kueffiier reported the City ballfields, soccer fields are booked and have all been used. <br />