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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JULY 3, 2018 <br />ITEM 3: Approve Lake Elmo Jaycees Special Event Permit and Temporary Liquor License <br />for Huff n Puff Days <br />Mike Slobodnik, Lake Elmo Jaycees Interim President and Brian Oliverius, Event Chair, asked <br />for assistance recruiting new members. <br />Mayor Pearson, seconded by Councilmember Lundgren, moved TO APPROVE A SPECIAL <br />EVENT PERMIT AND TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE ISSUED TO THE <br />LAKE ELMO JAYCEES FOR THEIR HUFF N' PUFF DAYS EVENT HELD AUGUST 9 <br />THROUGH 12, 2018, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF MNALCOHOL <br />AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION, AND WAIVE THE LIQUOR LICENSE <br />FEE, SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FEE AND THE FEE FOR LION'S PARK BALL FIELD <br />LIGHTING AND WITH THE CITY PAYING FOR THE COST OF SECURITY DURING <br />THE EVENT. Motion passed 3 —1. (Bloyer — nay) <br />ITEM 5: Approve Lake Jane Lake Association Improvement Matching Grant <br />City Administrator Handt stated that this is the second year matching grants have been available <br />for the recreational lakes. <br />John Hamerly spoke on behalf of the Lake Jane Lake Association and presented additional <br />information on costs incurred by the association for treatment of invasive plants. <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Councilmember Nelson, MOVED TO APPROVE THE <br />LAKE JANE LAKE ASSOCIATIONLAKE IMPROVEMENT GRANT REQUEST OF <br />$4,506.17. Motion passed 3 —1. (Pearson — nay) <br />ITEM 6: Approve Removal of Self Storage Facilities from Zoning Code <br />Planning Director Becker reviewed the proposed zoning code amendment to remove self-service <br />storage as a use within the Commercial and Business Park zoning districts. <br />Councilmember Nelson, seconded by Councilmember Bloyer, moved TO ADOPT ORD. 08- <br />213 WHICH REMO VES SELF-SER VICE STORA GE FA CILITIES AS AN ALL 0 WED USE <br />WITHIN THE BUSINESS PARK AND COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS. Motion <br />passed 4 — 0. <br />ITEM 12: Wyndham Village Preliminary Plat and Zoning Map Amendment <br />Planning Director Becker presented the proposed plat and reviewed recommendations from the <br />Planning Commission and City Engineer. <br />Kevin Schroepfer, 11520 300' Street, stated that he would like to see a tree buffer between his <br />property and the proposed development. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />