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<br />NOTICE OF MEETING <br />Joint City Council-Planning Commission Workshop <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North <br />Tuesday May 13th, 2014 <br />6:30 PM – 9:00 PM <br /> <br />AGENDA <br /> <br />I. Call to Order - Planning Commission Chair Williams 6:30 PM <br />Roll Call: Council: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Wally nelson and Anne Smith (arrived at 6:40 pm) Planning Commission: Chairman Todd Williams, Dale Dorschner, Rolf Larson, Dean Dodson, Tom <br />Kreimer, Jill Lundgren (6:50?), Kathleen Haggard (8:27) Staff: City Admin Zuleger, Kyle Klatt, Nick Johnson, Jack Griffin, Adam Bell Audience: Steve DeLapp, Susan Dunn, Ann Bucheck <br /> II. Focus of the Workshop: Implementing the Comp Plan -Dean Zuleger 6:35 PM <br />Admin Zuleger provided overview of the focus of the workshop <br />III. Developer Review Process – Technically Applying the Comp Plan Principles 6:40 PM <br /> a. Density / Zoning / Land Use Ordinance Review - Kyle Klatt & Nick Johnson Planning Director Klatt spoke about the preliminary plat review process. Nick Johnson explained how staff <br />reviews subdivision/development plats. Chairman Williams asked why … asked about difference 60 day and 120 days. Klatt explained that if city cannot extend the review time without applicant consent after the <br />60 days. If the application is not voted upon or extended by either deadline, the application is approved by default. Klatt explained the process after the commission and council reviews and votes. Williams asked <br />about road inspections. Klatt explained that the engineer hires inspectors to manage process. These services are paid out of the development escrow. <br /> b. Utility / Transportation / SW Review - Jack Griffin Griffin explained the engineering review and involvement. <br /> c. Developer Security - Dean Zuleger Zuleger spoke about developer securities. Explained the development of the Finance Committee and the <br />creation of development pro formas to help with the forecasting and modeling. Explained the financial policies put in place. Obtaining these securities is not common place. Most communities do not require <br />100%. The purpose of the securities and the high level is to protect the taxpayers. Explained the escrow review process and developer agreements. <br />It was explained that staff does background research on developers including D&B reports. Staff has not gone so far as to demand that any developers who previous make the city whole on losses, but the <br />research is being done. Dodson requested hi developer did not set up capital reserve for <br />Griffin explained that all public infrastructure includes a one-year review warrantyperiod <br />IV. Key Land Use Issues 7:40 PM <br />a. Density Reduction Priorities in light of Thrive 2040 – Kyle Klatt <br />Klatt spoke about the recent reduction in population/density estimates. Smith voiced her concern about <br />eliminating RAD-ALT due to the reduction in number of persons per household. This would essentially <br />negate any overall reduction in number of homes. <br />Our Mission is to Provide Quality Public <br />Services in a Fiscally Responsible Manner <br />While Preserving the City’s Open Space <br />Character